Quarterly Review: Alunah, QAALM, Ambassador Hazy, Spiral Skies, Lament Cityscape, Electric Octopus, Come to Grief, ZOM, MNRVA, Problem With Dragons

Posted in Reviews on June 27th, 2022 by JJ Koczan


This is the part where I’m supposed to tell you I’m quaking in my flip-flops about doing 100 reviews in the span of two weeks, how worried I am I’ll run out of ways to say something is weird, or psychedelic, or heavy, or whatever. You know what? This time, even with a doublewide Quarterly Review — which means 100 records between now and next Friday — I feel like we got this. It’ll get done. And if it doesn’t? I’ll take an extra day. Who even pretends to give a crap?

I think that’s probably the right idea, so let’s get this show on the road, as my dear wife is fond of saying.

Quarterly Review #1-10:

Alunah, Strange Machine

alunah strange machine

Following on from 2019’s Violet Hour (review here), Birmingham’s Alunah offer the nine songs and 42 minutes of Strange Machine on Heavy Psych Sounds. It’s a wonder to think this is the band who a decade ago released White Hoarhound (review here), but of course it’s mostly not. Alunah circa 2022 bring a powerhouse take on classic heavy rock and roll, with Siân Greenaway‘s voice layered out across proto-metallic riffs and occasional nods such as “Fade Into Fantasy” or “Psychedelic Expressway” pulling away from the more straight-ahead punch. One can’t help but be reminded of Black Sabbath with Ronnie James Dio — a different, more progressive and expansive take on the same style they started with — which I guess would make Strange Machine their Mob Rules. They may or may not be the band you expected, but they’re quite a band if you’re willing to give the songs a chance.

Alunah on Facebook

Heavy Psych Sounds on Bandcamp


QAALM, Resilience & Despair

QAALM Resilience Despair

Skipping neither the death nor the doom ends of death-doom, Los Angeles-based QAALM make a gruesome and melancholic debut with Resilience & Despair, with a vicious, barking growl up front that reminds of none so much as George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher, but that’s met intermittently with airy stretches of emotionally weighted float led by its two guitars. Across the four-song/69-minute outing, no song is shorter than opener “Reflections Doubt” (14:40), and while that song, “Existence Asunder” (19:35), “Cosmic Descent” (18:23) and “Lurking Death” (17:16) have their more intense moments, the balance of miseries defines the record by its spaciousness and the weight of the chug that offsets. The cello in “Lurking Death” adds fullness to create a Katatonia-style backdrop, but QAALM are altogether more extreme, and whatever lessons they’ve learned from the masters of the form, they’re being put to excruciating use. And the band knows it. Go four minutes into any one of these songs and tell me they’re not having a great time. I dare you.

QAALM on Facebook

Hypaethral Records website

Trepanation Recordings on Bandcamp


Ambassador Hazy, The Traveler

Ambassador Hazy The Traveler

The Traveler is Sterling DeWeese‘s second solo full-length under the banner of Ambassador Hazy behind 2020’s Glacial Erratics (review here) and it invariably brings a more cohesive vision of the bedroom-psychedelic experimentalist songcraft that defined its predecessor. “All We Wanted,” for example, is song enough that it could work in any number of genre contexts, and where “Take the Sour With the Sweet” is unabashed in its alt-universe garage rock ambitions, it remains righteously weird enough to be DeWeese‘s own. Fuller band arrangements on pieces like that or the later “Don’t Smash it to Pieces” reinforce the notion of a solidifying approach, but “Simple Thing” nonetheless manages to come across like Dead Meadow borrowed a drum machine from Godflesh circa 1987. There’s sweetness underlying “Afterglow,” however, and “Percolator,” which may or may not actually have one sampled, is way, way out there, and in no small way The Traveler is about that mix of humanity and creative reaching.

Ambassador Hazy on Facebook

Cardinal Fuzz webstore


Spiral Skies, Death is But a Door

spiral skies death is but a door

Strange things afoot in Stockholm. Blending classic doom and heavy rock with a clean, clear production, shades of early heavy metal and the odd bit of ’70s folk in the verse of “While the Devil is Asleep,” the five-piece Spiral Skies follow 2018’s Blues for a Dying Planet with Death is But a Door, a collection that swings and grooves and is epic and intimate across its nine songs/43 minutes, a cut like “Somewhere in the Dark” seeming to grow bigger as it moves toward its finish. Five of the nine inclusions make some reference to sleep or the night or darkness — including “Nattmaran” — but one can hardly begrudge Spiral Skies working on a theme when this is the level of the work they’re doing. “The Endless Sea” begins the process of excavating the band’s stylistic niche, and by “Time” and “Mirage” it’s long since uncovered, and the band’s demonstration of nuance, melody and songwriting finds its resolution on closer “Mirror of Illusion,” which touches on psychedelia as if to forewarn the listener of more to come. Familiar, but not quite like anything else.

Spiral Skies on Facebook

AOP Records website


Lament Cityscape, A Darker Discharge

Lament Cityscape A Darker Discharge

Almost tragically atmospheric given the moods involved, Wyoming-based industrial metallurgists Lament Cityscape commence the machine-doom of A Darker Discharge following a trilogy of 2020 EPs compiled last year onto CD as Pneumatic Wet. That release was an hour long, this one is 24 minutes, which adds to the intensity somehow of the expression at the behest of David Small (Glacial Tomb, ex-Mountaineer, etc.) and Mike McClatchey (also ex-Mountaineer), the ambience of six-minute centerpiece “Innocence of Shared Experiences” making its way into a willfully grandiose wash after “All These Wires” and “Another Arc” traded off in caustic ’90s-style punishment. “The Under Dark” is a cacophony early and still intense after the fog clears, and it, “Where the Walls Used to Be” and the coursing-till-it-slows-down, gonna-get-noisy “Part of the Mother” form a trilogy of sorts for side B, each feeding into the overarching impression of emotional untetheredness that underscores all that fury.

Lament Cityscape on Facebook

Lifeforce Records website


Electric Octopus, St. Patrick’s Cough

Electric Octopus St Patricks Cough

You got friends? Me neither. But if we did, and we told them about the wholesome exploratory jams of Belfast trio Electric Octopus, I bet their hypothetical minds would be blown. St. Patrick’s Cough is the latest studio collection from the instrumentalist improv-specialists, and it comes and goes through glimpses of various jams in progress, piecing together across 13 songs and 73 minutes — that’s short for Electric Octopus — that find the chemistry vital as they seamlessly bring together psychedelia, funk, heavy rock, minimalist drone on “Restaurant Banking” and blown-out steel-drum-style island vibes on “A2enmod.” There’s enough ground covered throughout for a good bit of frolicking — and if you’ve never frolicked through an Electric Octopus release, here’s a good place to start — but in smaller experiments like the acoustic slog “You Have to Be Stupid to See That” or the rumbling “Universal Knife” or the shimmering-fuzz-is-this-tuning-up “Town,” it’s only encouraging to see the band continue to try new ideas and push themselves even farther out than they were. For an act who already dwells in the ‘way gone,’ it says something that they’re refusing to rest on their freaked-out laurels.

Electric Octopus on Facebook

Interstellar Smoke Records store


Come to Grief, When the World Dies

come to grief when the world dies

Behold, the sludge of death. Maybe it’s not fair to call When the World Dies one of 2022’s best debut albums since Come to Grief is intended as a continuation by guitarist/backing vocalist Terry Savastano (also WarHorse) and drummer Chuck Conlon of the devastation once wrought by Grief, but as they unleash the chestripping “Life’s Curse” and the slow-grind filthy onslaught of “Scum Like You,” who gives a shit? When the World Dies, produced of course by Converge‘s Kurt Ballou at GodCity, spreads aural violence across its 37 minutes with a particular glee, resting only for a breath before meting out the next lurching beating. Jonathan Hébert‘s vocal cords deserve a medal for the brutality they suffer in his screams in the four-minute title-track alone, never mind the grime-encrusted pummel of closer “Death Can’t Come Fast Enough.” Will to abrasion. Will to disturb. Heavy in spirit but so raw in its force that if you even manage to make it that deep you’ve probably already drowned. A biblical-style gnashing of teeth. Fucking madness.

Come to Grief on Facebook

Translation Loss Records store


ZOM, Fear and Failure

Zom Fear and Failure

In the works one way or the other since 2020, the sophomore full-length from Pittsburgh heavy rockers ZOM brings straight-ahead classicism with a modernized production vibe, some influence derived from the earlier days of Clutch or The Sword and of course Black Sabbath — looking at you, “Running Man” — but there’s a clarity of purpose behind the material that is ZOM‘s own. They are playing rock for rockers, and are geared more toward revelry than conversion, but there’s no arguing with the solidity of their craft and the meeting of their ambitions. Their last record took them to Iceland, and this one has led them to the UK. Don’t be surprised when ZOM announce an Australian tour one of these days, just because they can, but wherever they go, know what they have the songs on their side to get them there. In terms of style, there’s very little revolutionary about Fear and Failure, but ZOM aren’t trying to revamp what you know of as heavy rock and roll so much as looking to mark their place within it. Listening to the burly chug of “Another Day to Run,” and the conversation the band seems to be having with the more semi-metal moments of Shadow Witch and others, their efforts sound not at all misspent.

ZOM on Facebook

StoneFly Records store


MNRVA, Hollow

mnrva hollow

Making their debut through Black Doomba Records, Columbia, South Carolina’s MNRVA recorded the eight-song Hollow in Spring 2019, and one assumes that the three-year delay in releasing is owed at least in to aligning with the label, plus pandemic, plus life happens, and so on. In any case, from “Not the One” onward, their fuzz-coated doom rock reminds of a grittier take on Cathedral, with guitarist Byron Hawk and bassist Kevin Jennings sharing vocal duties effectively while Gina Ercolini drives the march behind them. There’s some shifting in tempo between “Hollow” and a more brash piece like “With Fire” or the somehow-even-noisier-seeming penultimate cut “No Solution,” but the grit there is a feature throughout the album just the same. Their 2019 EP, Black Sky (review here), set them up for this, but only really in hindsight, and one wonders what they may have been up to in the time since putting this collection to tape if this is where they were three years ago. Some of this is straight-up half-speed noise rock riffing and that’s just fine.

MNRVA on Facebook

Black Doomba Records on Bandcamp


Problem With Dragons, Accelerationist

Problem With Dragons Accelerationist

The third full-length, Accelerationist, from Easthampton, Massachusetts’ Problem With Dragons is odd and nuanced enough by the time they get to the vocal effects on “Have Mercy, Show Mercy” — unless that’s a tracheostomy thing; robot voice; that’s not the first instance of it — to earn being called progressive, and though their foundation is in more straightforward heavy rock impulses, sludge and fuzz, they’ve been at it for 15 years and have well developed their own approach. Thus “Live by the Sword” opens to set up lumbering pieces like “Astro Magnum” and the finale title-track while “In the Name of His Shadow” tips more toward metal and the seven-minute “Don’t Fail Me” meets its early burl (gets the wurlm?) with airier soloing later on, maximizing the space in the album’s longest track. “A Demon Possessed” and “Dark Times (for Dark Times)” border on doom, but in being part of Problem With Dragons‘ overall pastiche, and in the band’s almost Cynic-al style of melodic singing, they are united with the rest of what surrounds. Some bands, you can just tell when individualism is part of their mission.

Problem With Dragons on Facebook

Problem With Dragons on Bandcamp


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ZOM Announce UK Tour Supporting Fear and Failure

Posted in Whathaveyou on May 26th, 2022 by JJ Koczan


As they’ve shown a wont to do on occasion, Pittsburgh four-piece ZOM have announced their intention to head abroad for a short stint of select dates. Heralding their 2022 album, Fear and Failure, on StoneFly Records, the band will perform select UK shows in the company of The Velvet Queens from Lincolnshire in England, beginning in Newcastle before heading further north into Scotland for a stop at the famed Bannerman’s in Edinburgh — where once upon a time Conan recorded a live album — and looping back down to Rotherham, which is one of the not-insignificant drives on the stint.

Perhaps this is kindergarten-level insight, but I’m happy tours like this can happen again. I’m glad US bands can get out to where the action is — nothing against the creativity of the States’ underground, but the audience is in UK/EU and if you’re reading this you already know it — and that the possibility at least exists for Euro acts to come over here for festivals and so on, even if the reality of that is ridiculously and needlessly more difficult. But at least it’s possible. At least you can leave the fucking house. Isn’t that in itself enough reason to do so? I’m asking as someone who just had (kinda still has but let’s not talk about it) covid. Is this not the stuff of life?

Dates from the PR wire:

zom uk tour

ZOM announce 2022 UK Tour

Pittsburgh, PA (USA) groove-heavy rockers, ZOM (StoneFly Records), are headed to the UK in late August, 2022.

ZOM initially had a UK tour booked in 2020 but we all know what happened that year.

Gero: “Yeah, it was a drag. We didn’t even get to announce it because we were watching this new virus thing like everybody else. You know how the rest went. Marc Walsh (booking agent – Rock the Foundry) has been a huge help. He had to start from scratch this year but put together a helluva run for us in the UK, where we’ve never played. Only Matt (guitar) has ever even been there.

“Obviously there’s so much rock n’ roll history there, never mind the geography and architecture. The four of us always dive into new cultures and local history so we couldn’t be more stoked to be going to England and Scotland. Most of all though, we can’t wait to play for some of our fans over there and make new ones. England’s been good to us. The Velvet Queens are going to be joining us on the road and it’s gonna be a blast.”

08.31 Trillians Newcastle
09.01 Bannermans Edinburgh
02.09 The Hive Rotherham
03.09 Tap ‘n’ Tumbler Nottingham
04.09 The Metal Monocle Leicester

ZOM is:
Gero Von Dehn: Vocals/Guitars
Sam Pesce: Bass
Ben Zerbe: Drums, Percussion
Matthew Tuite: Guitar


ZOM, Fear and Failure (2022)

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ZOM Premiere “Showtime”; Announce New LP Fear and Failure

Posted in audiObelisk, Whathaveyou on February 24th, 2022 by JJ Koczan


Pittsburgh heavy rockers and tour veterans of Iceland ZOM will release their second full-length, Fear and Failure, through StoneFly Records on March 11. Vinyl preorders go up the same day ahead of an April 1 arrival. It was two years ago this week that the four-piece announced they were entering the studio with Jason Jouver recording in order to make the follow-up to 2018’s Nebulos (discussed here), which came out on Argonauta, for what would also be their first outing with the lineup of guitarist/vocalist Gero von Dehn, drummer Ben Zerbe, guitarist Matthew Tuite and bassist Sam Pesce.

Obviously it’s been quite a two years since. I have no idea how long the record’s actually been done, but the fact that they’re premiering a track and setting a date certainly brings it to mind as something fresh, and with what I’m hearing in this first cut, the switch from three- to four-piece and the decision to bring in Jouver on production don’t seem to have hurt them. This stuff is easy to dig, and since the intent is to grab attention and leave the listener more, that’s been done and then some.

Song premiere follows, then art and info from the PR wire. You know the drill for the heads-up. So, heads up.


Zom Fear and Failure


StoneFly Records is stoked to announce the signing of Pittsburgh, PA stoner-groove, heavy rockers, ZOM and look forward to release their sophomore album Fear And Failure on 180g vinyl. This album will be the 3rd album released by StoneFly Records.

Back in February 2021, not that long after I announced my intention of starting a record label, I was approached by Gero von Dehn; he expressed me his vivid desire to work with me for his new album. I must say I was immediately seduced by Fear And Failure! All songs were killers without fillers. Pure classic Stoner/Hard Rock vibes going on! The album even features a cover of Down The Highway by Nebula. It was a no brainer to me and I offered them a contract.

It was back in March of 2020 that the band entered the studio to record Fear And Failure but the pandemic slowed down the completion as well as any release plans they had. The album was recorded and engineered by Steel City go-to, Jason Jouver, at Plus/Minus studios. The album was mixed there and then went to legendary producer, Jack Endino, for mastering in Seattle, WA.

ZOM’S Fear And Failure will release digitally on March 11, 2022.
Vinyl Pre-Order will go live at the same time on March 11, 2022.
Vinyl will release on April 1st, 2022.

1. Washed Away
2. Long Way Gone
3. Showtime
4. Third Life
5. Running Man
6. Stone
7. August
8. Another Day to Run
9. Down The Highway (Nebula cover)
10. The Plunge

ZOM is:
Gero Von Dehn: Vocals/Guitars
Sam Pesce: Bass
Ben Zerbe: Drums, Percussion
Matthew Tuite: Guitar


ZOM, Nebulos (2018)

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Slo-Valve: Members of ZOM Announce New Project

Posted in Whathaveyou on June 9th, 2021 by JJ Koczan

No audio yet that they’re willing to share, but I’m all for an alter-ego every now and then, and Pittsburgh-based ZOM offer one up in the form of Slo-Valve. New band, same dudes. ZOM have a new full-length in the can — their third — but like a lot of people, guitarist/vocalist Gero von Dehn was hanging around in Summer 2020 with perhaps a bit of creative restlessness happening that he decided either consciously or not to channel in a way that, apparently, was separate enough to be another band. And when it came to finding players? Well, there’s nothing like knowing a good bassist and drummer.

Slo-Valve it is. You can see the story below, courtesy of the PR wire, and I imagine if you keep an eye out you’ll see or hear something from them ahead of the album to be recorded this Fall.

To the blue copy:


Current members of ZOM launch new band, Slo-Valve

Three members of Pittsburgh, PA’s ZOM have formed a new band under the name, Slo-Valve.

Describing their sound as, “Hard rockin’, riff heavy groove,” the trio aims to swing through bluesy, stonery jams with strong song structures and enough dynamics to separate themselves from genre pigeonholing.

Says singer/guitarist Gero von Dehn, “We wrapped recording of the new (as yet unreleased) ZOM record early last summer and after all that intense focus, I needed to change gears. Writing, preproduction and tracking is such an all consuming process that it’s good to get away from it for a bit after being so hyperfocused. I had all of these different ideas coming but they were different from ZOM so I just went with it and within a few months I had a bunch of songs written.

Von Dehn didn’t have to look far to find people to jam the new material with.

“I’m so blessed to have such great musicians around me in ZOM and their versatility has barely been tapped.”

Enlisted were ZOM bandmates Ben Zerbe (drums) and Sam Pesce (bass).

“Ben is such a talent and a student as a percussionist. He can play pretty much any style and do it amazingly well, as anyone who’s heard The Mandrake Project can attest to. Those guys were on a different level.”

Zerbe also played drums in Pittsburgh doom powerhouse, Monolith Wielder with von Dehn.

“Sammy is a monster on bass and a guy everyone in Pittsburgh wants in their band and I was so fortunate he agreed to join ZOM. His playing and his ideas have been incredible and he’s really spreading his wings with the material in Slo-Valve. I may have come in with the original songs but it’s really been a group effort in terms of songwriting and where those ideas went. They were both eager to be part of the entire process, not just their own parts, and it’s really paid off. The songs are quite a bit different from where they started and I mean for the better. I can’t wait for people to hear what we’ve been able to put together.”

Von Dehn says they have enough material ready to go for an album and they hope to record sometime in the fall. That doesn’t mean ZOM has taken a back seat though.

“We’re ultra stoked for the ZOM album to be released because we are so proud of that entire record. I think it’s exactly the rock n’ roll album that’s needed right now. We’re dying to get out and play the new record in front of everyone. I’m just always writing so it was natural to put something else together, especially since it’s with the same guys. They want to jam as badly and as often as I do so we play constantly. It doesn’t hurt that they happen to be awesome dudes and great friends as well.”


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Descendants of Crom IV Lineup Announced: Bongzilla, Evoken, Ruby the Hatchet, Orodruin & More Confirmed

Posted in Whathaveyou on March 1st, 2020 by JJ Koczan

descendants of crom iv logo

The annual Descendants of Crom in Pittsburgh has become a reliable assemblage of heavy, with a lineup diverse in sound woven together by a consistent quality of taste that unites across styles. For evidence of the ongoing nature of this phenomenon, look no further than the first two names on the poster of Descendants of Crom IV — Bongzilla and Ruby the Hatchet. The former, a recongealed stoner-sludge exercise in Midwestern working-class bomber crust, and the latter, a more urbane newschool-via-oldschool heavy rock outfit laced with keys and nigh-on-glam melodicism.

Those differences are stark, but I’ll be damned if both don’t fit well at the top of the bill here, which includes plenty of shouldn’t-be-missed names in the likes of OrodruinValley of the Sun, Heavy TempleRebreatherPale DivineHorehoundCavern, on and on. I guess I could probably just run down the whole list at that point. It’s a good fest, and more even than last year, you begin to see the sense of curation and the personality of the festival emerge in its blend of styles. It’s not just about more, more, more, in an overwhelming onslaught of bands, but about what each specifically brings to the lineup as a whole. Kudos, as ever, to Shy Kennedy and her crew on a job on its way to being well done.

Here’s the announcement:

descendants of crom iv poster




The fourth annual Descendants of Crom will be held this year again in Pittsburgh on both floors of Cattivo Nightclub. The events begin early Friday evening and are followed by a Saturday all-dayer.

The underground scene of heavy rock and metal here is healthy and thriving and we’re feeding great regional bands to a hungry crowd and utilizing legendary, international fan-favorites to entice music fans in the door with the support of our amazing local artists. Descendants of Crom was planted in 2017 as a little black seed and has been growing and strong contender among other established annual music festivals. We aspire to become the premier music event of the Northeast and invite you to become part of the 2020 event. After all, we are all Descendants of Crom!

This year’s DESCENDANTS are:

Bongzilla, Ruby the Hatchet, Black Tusk, Valley of the Sun, Evoken, Orodruin, Rebreather, Horseburner, Heavy Temple, Horehound, Cavern, Pale Divine, Howling Giant, Ironflame, Cruces, God Root, Zom, The Long Hunt, Makeshift Urn, and We, the Creature.

Schedule and tickets will be on sale Friday, March 6th for single-day as well as two-day passes.

We’re looking for sponsors, vendors, and any entity that supports the heavy underground and all things psych, stoner, doom, sludge, and occult to reach out and be a part of our event and community.

Additionally, in anticipation for this year’s Descendants of Crom, there will be a DOC showcase held at Cattivo on Saturday, March 21st featuring bands that have all been part of the Descendants of Crom history. Urns, The Long Hunt, Horehound, Horesburner (WV), and Ironflame. This showcase is a taster of what sort of musicianship and energy that DOC brings to the stages.

Rritual event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/509381869977026/


Ruby the Hatchet, Live in Atlanta, GA, Dec. 5, 2019

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ZOM Set to Begin Recording Second Album

Posted in Whathaveyou on February 21st, 2020 by JJ Koczan

It’s only been two years since Pittsburgh’s ZOM debuted on Argonauta with their first full-length, Nebulos (discussed here), but in that time they’ve not only toured Iceland, but restructured their lineup as a four-piece as well, and when you consider that Nebulos shared much of its material with their prior 2013 self-titled EP (review here), it seems like it’s probably fair to expect something different from them this time around. What that might look or sound like, I don’t know, mostly because the album hasn’t been tracked yet. They’ll enter the studio… soon?… to record their sophomore LP with Steel City go-to Jason Jouver engineering and issue the album either later this year or in 2021. I know they’re working on other touring abroad as well, but I’m not sure what the actual timing is on any of it. I’d think getting the recording done is probably right up there on the priority list though. Just a guess.

They sent the following down the PR wire:


ZOM prepares to enter the studio to record follow up to 2018’s “Nebulos”

Pittsburgh, PA stoner-groove, heavy rockers, ZOM are heading into the studio to record their second album and first with the current lineup.

The band’s debut album, Nebulos was released via Argonauta Records in 2018 and featured founding member and songwriter, Gero von Dehn (Monolith Wielder, Von Dane) on guitars/vox alongside bassist and recording engineer Andrew D’Cagna (Brimstone Coven, Ironflame). Percussion duties were shared by D’Cagna and Ben Zerbe (Monolith Wielder, Mandrake Project).

The band was then retooled for live shows and touring and has performed domestically and abroad as a four piece ever since.

Von Dane and Zerbe remain but added to the band were guitarist Matthew Tuite (Blackfinger, Penance) and bassman Sam Pesce (Del Rios).

The new album will be recorded at Plus Minus Studios in Pittsburgh and at the helm will be engineer, Jason Jouver (Monolith Wielder, Lady Beast).

No release date has been set.


ZOM, Nebulos (2018)

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ZOM Announce Icelandic Tour for Next Month

Posted in Whathaveyou on July 30th, 2019 by JJ Koczan

I’ve had the good fortune of flying to Reykjavik a few times over the years, and from the air, Iceland is stark and gorgeous and like nothing else I’ve ever seen. I’ve never, however, had enough time there to actually leave the airport. It’s always fly-in-fly-out. Pittsburgh’s ZOM, on the other hand, will shoot over for a three-date run of Iceland at the end of August, hitting Reykjavik, Hafnarfjörður and Dalvik, a trip that will let them drive up the western coast of the country for a time before cutting inland a bit as they make their way north. Looks like an awesome way to do a weekender, and hey, if you could get three shows together in Iceland, wouldn’t you do it? Absolutely you would. It’s frickin’ Iceland. You go if you can go.

ZOM released their Argonauta Records debut, Nebulos, last year, and have been playing shows steadily since. This trip marks the first time they’ll leave the States for a show, though somehow one doubts it will be the last. An initial incursion, then.

Their announcement and the show details follow here. Because if you could go see a band from Pittsburgh in Icleand, wouldn’t you do it? Absolutely you would.

You get the idea:


ZOM to tour Iceland this August!

Pittsburgh, USA Stoner/Groove Heavy Rockers, ZOM (Argonauta Records) will embark on a tour of Iceland in late August, 2019.

It’s the band’s first trip overseas as a group in what they hope will be the first of many.

ZOM started as a recording project between Gero von Dehn (Von Dane/Monolith Wielder) and Andrew D’Cagna (Brimstone Coven/Ironflame) but morphed into a full fledged band after the recording of their debut release, Nebulos.

ZOM now features von Dehn (v/g), Ben Zerbe (Monolith Wielder-d), Matt Tuite (Penance/Blackfinger-g) and Sam Pesce (Del Rios-b).

Joining them on all three dates will be Icelandic heavy rockers, Alchemia. Southern flavored, stoner rockers, Volcanova (Iceland) will be perform on select shows.


Thur Aug 29th Gaukurinn Reykjavik
With Alchemia and Volcanova

Friday Aug 30th R6013 or íslenski rokkbarinn Hafnarfjörður.
With Alchemia and Volcanova

Sat Aug 31st – Dalvik Theatre Leikfelag Dalvikur Dalvik
With Alchemia


ZOM, Nebulos (2018)

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ZOM Announce Album Details for Nebulos

Posted in Whathaveyou on October 31st, 2017 by JJ Koczan


Pittsburgh’s ZOM were first announced over the summer as signing to Argonauta Records, and after some months of quiet following the unveiling of the first single from their debut release, more details have finally begun to surface about Nebulos. You know, important kinds of stuff. Artwork. Tracklisting. Release date. That kind of thing.

It was previously noted here that Nebulos would feature revamped cuts from ZOM‘s self-titled EP (review here), released in 2013, and that has turned out to be the case for sure. Opener “Nebulos/Alien” and other pieces like “Burning,” “Solitary,” “The Greedy Few” and “There’s Only Me” were featured on the band’s earlier offering, so it should add an extra level of intrigue to the long-player to hear how that material has evolved and how it sits with the newer songs written in the time since.

We’ve still got a little bit before we find out, however. Nebulos is out Jan. 19, 2018, via Argonauta, who sent the following down the PR wire:

zom nebulos

ZOM reveals details of their new effort “Nebulos”

US Heavy Rockers ZOM reveal cover artwork and track listing of their highly anticipated new album “Nebulos”.

Hailing from Pittsburgh, ZOM is a monstrous force of heavy rock n’ roll full of stinky, stoner grooves and grab-you-by-the-throat hooks. ZOM goes straight to the gut and doesn’t hold back on its relentless attack on the senses.

ZOM was born in 2014 when experienced and multifaceted music vets Gero von Dehn (Monolith Wielder) and Andrew D’Cagna (Brimstone Coven) joined forces. Eventually Ben Zerbe (Monolith Wielder, Mandrake Project) was added to the mix to form the current trio.

ZOM “Nebulos” will be released in CD/DD by Argonauta Records and available from January 19th, 2018. This is highly recommended if you like MELVINS, TAD, SOUNDGARDEN. Preorders run here: http://bit.ly/2zMOE9Q

1. Nebulos/Alien
2. Burning
3. Gifters
4. Solitary
5. The Greedy Few
6. There’s Only Me
7. Bird On a Wire
8. Final Breath
9. New Trip


Zom, “Solitary” official video

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