Guenna Premiere “Weedwacker” Video; Debut Album Peak of Jin’Arrah Coming Soon

Posted in Bootleg Theater on January 19th, 2024 by JJ Koczan


Swedish fuzz rockers — okay! Stop right there! You got me. I’m in. I know, the rest of the sentence was gonna be about how Swedish fuzz rockers Guenna are set to issue their debut full-length in the coming months through The Sign Records. Crucial info; it tells you who they are, where they’re from, what they’re doing and gives some hint at what they’re about. Who, what, where, when, why, how. Classic stuff. But if I said, “Swedish fuzz rock” and left it there, wouldn’t you kind of still be on board?

But really, are there three more beautiful words in the English language than “Swedish fuzz rock?” and I invite you as you dig into the premiere of the first video from Guenna‘s Peak of Jin’Arrah to consider the band’s place in that particular oeuvre. Am I wrong to hear young Dozer or Truckfighters in amid the modernities of their sound? Am I wrong to think of bands like Skraeckoedlan who might be an influence, alongside bigger bands like Red Fang (decidedly not Swedish) or Monolord (as proportionally Swedish as Red Fang aren’t), or Black Rainbows (how did we get to Italy) as Guenna ingest inspiration new and old and process it into the beginning stages of a sound of their own?

And I mean, I’m actually asking that question since I haven’t heard Peak of Jin’Arrah yet, though if you’d like to dig further after the clip premiering below for “Weedwacker,” their Bandcamp has a prior EP and a compilation track for research purposes. Their self-titled March 2020 EP doesn’t match this initial album single for production value, but the rampant vocal melody in the new track is an element that’s clearly been there from the start — and with good reason. As alluded above, “Swedish fuzz rock” is a high standard to live up to, generally speaking. Guenna‘s melodic focus and the energy of their delivery — the fun and sense of personality highlighted in the video for “Weedwacker” as well — are how they’re meeting that challenge as they head toward their first long-player, and the result is an engaging, fluid listen that reminds you you’re dying fast, and with humor, joy and a catchy hook, the band encourage you to make the most of what you’ve got as regards time. They seem to be doing just that.

The clip is a blast. Look out for the twang guitar on the back of the truck and the guy playing “Wonderwall” on an acoustic, skateboarding into the pool and the hilariously epic framing of the solo before they bring back the chorus.

Rad. There’s more to say here, but it can and should wait until the record, which after this video, I find myself nothing if not ready for. See if you feel the same. I hope you enjoy.

PR wire info follows:

Guenna, “Weedwacker” video premiere

The Sign Records are proud to announce that Guenna has joined the label for the release of their debut album “Peak of Jin’Arrah”. Hailing from the southernmost part of Sweden, this 4 piece offers a thrilling take of fuzzy, progressive and heavy rock with vocal harmonies, perhaps described best by Nick Oliveri during a night when Guenna opened up for his band Stöner in Malmö; “Guenna sound like if YES played heavy stoner music, with all the harmonies and stuff. And I mean the good part of YES! It’s fucking rad!”

Guenna’s debut album “Peak of Jin’Arrah” will be released in 2024 and the first single “Weedwacker” is released on all streaming platforms on the 1st of December. Robert from the band comments:

“I came up with the theme for Weedwacker when I was taking a walk in my hometown near the Norwegian border in Sweden. I walked past fields and big luxury houses with well trimmed gardens, and started to think about how crazy lawn mowing would be if weeds and grass had the same sense of fear and pain as living creatures. A complete massacre!”

Guenna on Facebook

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Guenna on Bandcamp

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The Sign Records website

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