All Them Witches Post “6969 WXL The Cage” from Baker’s Dozen Monthly Singles Project

Posted in Bootleg Theater on July 29th, 2022 by JJ Koczan

all them witches

This is precisely the sort of thing I was hoping that All Them Witches‘ reunion with keyboardist/Rhodes pianist/violinist Allan Van Cleave wouldn’t preclude. The band’s 2020 album, Nothing as the Ideal (review here), will forever be a standout in their catalog for the fact that it was made as a three-piece with Charles Michael Parks, Jr. on bass/vocals, Ben McLeod on guitar and Robby Staebler on drums — and visuals, as always — and no one else. The Nashville-based outfit had kind of struggled since Van Cleave left, first trying to replace him with Jonathan Draper on 2018’s ATW (review here), then finally continuing on without a full-time fourth member at all. To their credit, they made it work.

Clearly they felt something was lacking — hence bringing Van Cleave back in — but in the interim, Nothing as the Ideal introduced the use of tape loops and ethereal effects sounds as a way of fleshing out the work of the guitar, bass, drums and vocals, and that brought an experimentalist backdrop for the songs that was legitimately unlike anything the band had done before. The new single “6969 WXL The Cage” answers whether or not such ideas are still fair game for All Them Witches in 2022 with a decisive yes. Marked by hypnotic electronic beats and manipulated radio-style voiceovers — there are a couple song dedications there — to give a sense that you’re driving along an empty highway, possibly at night, scanning through the FM wasteland and reconciling yourself to listening to the droning on about nothing just to have some human connection. Shout-outs and so on. What a wreck of a great idea is commercial radio.

“6969 WXL The Cage” is July’s installment of the Baker’s Dozen singles project the band has been doing since the start of the year. They’ve all been posted here before, but I’ll spare you the link dump. The videos are down below — there are six; can’t miss ’em — and as we plunge deeper into the second half of 2022, it’s refreshing to find All Them Witches doing so by breaking new ground for the band.

Watch out for snakes:

All Them Witches, “6969 WXL The Cage”

Tour On Sale Now:


All Them Witches is:
Charles Michael Parks, Jr – bass, vocals
Ben McLeod – guitar, vocals
Robby Staebler – drums, vocals
Allan Van Cleave – Rhodes piano, keys, violin

All Them Witches, “L’Hotel Serein” official video

All Them Witches, “Acid Face” official video

All Them Witches, “Blacksnake Blues”

All Them Witches, “Fall Into Place” official video

All Them Witches, “Silver to Rust” official video

All Them Witches, “Slow City” official video

All Them Witches on Facebook

All Them Witches on Instagram

All Them Witches on Bandcamp

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All Them Witches Post “L’Hotel Serein” from Baker’s Dozen Monthly Singles Project

Posted in Bootleg Theater on June 24th, 2022 by JJ Koczan

all them witches lhotel serein

Last Friday of the month. I’ll have you know I managed to have the back end of this post ready to roll out today and I still didn’t get it done in time to beat their email update saying the song had been released. If you’ve been keeping up with ‘Baker’s Dozen’ — the Nashville four-piece’s monthly singles project for 2022, all prior installments of which you’ll see streaming below — you’ll note that All Them Witches‘ latest single, “L’Hotel Serein,” is way more of a song than some have been, and accordingly, the video is more of a traditional video, showcasing the band at work in the studio, either on this track or others.

All Them Witches have been back on the road for a while now, and that’s great, and I’m somewhat curious what the future for the band holds as they move ahead reunited with Allan Van Cleave on keys and violin. I’m pretty sure they have their own workable studio, which might not be Abbey Road, where they recorded 2019’s Nothing as the Ideal (review here), but would be bound to produce something very much their own, particularly as at least Ben McLeod and Robby Staebler have engineering experience that I know of, which isn’t to say Van Cleave or Parks don’t, just that if they do I’m not aware of it. If you have a phone, you kind of have recording experience on some level. And no, not just because your phone is secretly telling corporations how much you like Oreos.

But the future of the band I’m interested in is their getting back to songwriting, and in that, “L’Hotel Serein” — of which Parks discusses the origin below, acknowledging quietly that, in French, it should be ‘l’hôtel,’ with the accent over the ‘o’ — is somewhat telling, at least in terms of vibe. As in there’s a lot of it. And for a cut that’s not much over four minutes long, what it accomplishes atmospherically rests easily alongside some of band’s longer recent jams.

Do enjoy:

All Them Witches, “L’Hotel Serein” official video

all them witches lhotel serein explanation

Tour On Sale Now:


All Them Witches is:
Charles Michael Parks, Jr – bass, vocals
Ben McLeod – guitar, vocals
Robby Staebler – drums, vocals
Allan Van Cleave – Rhodes piano, keys, violin

All Them Witches, “Acid Face” official video

All Them Witches, “Blacksnake Blues”

All Them Witches, “Fall Into Place” official video

All Them Witches, “Silver to Rust” official video

All Them Witches, “Slow City” official video

All Them Witches on Facebook

All Them Witches on Instagram

All Them Witches on Bandcamp

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All Them Witches Post “Acid Face” from Baker’s Dozen Monthly Singles Project

Posted in Bootleg Theater on May 27th, 2022 by JJ Koczan

It’s the last Friday of the month, and if you’ve been keeping up throughout the year so far, you know that means All Them Witches have a new song as part of their Baker’s Dozen monthly singles project. This is actually the first month I’ve managed to remember before the song was actually posted, so I’ll pat myself on the back in having the back end of this post ready to go, and having now actually heard the thing, it’s 17-minute soan renders it as something of an EP unto itself. That, mind you, is not a complaint.

With Hammond organ pulsing alongside the guitar and a hooky groove that’s uptempo without trying too hard to sell itself to the listener, the mega-jam starts off fluid and stays that way for the duration. Robby Staebler, by this point in the band’s career, is a master of working around the central beat, so that even as the rhythm holds, he’s not playing the same thing necessarily every measure through. That makes the transitions in “Acid Face” even smoother, as it heads into Doors-style guitar spaciousness after about six minutes in and picks its way back up through spring morning pastoralia en route to ever more ethereal, improvibing (sic) hypnosis, active without too much going on, laid back without being boring. A jam to hang with for a while.

About 17 minutes, actually.

Until next month, then:

All Them Witches, “Acid Face” official video

Tour On Sale Now:


All Them Witches is:
Charles Michael Parks, Jr – bass, vocals
Ben McLeod – guitar, vocals
Robby Staebler – drums, vocals
Allan Van Cleave – Rhodes piano, keys, violin

All Them Witches, “Blacksnake Blues”

All Them Witches, “Fall Into Place” official video

All Them Witches, “Silver to Rust” official video

All Them Witches, “Slow City” official video

All Them Witches on Facebook

All Them Witches on Instagram

All Them Witches on Bandcamp

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All Them Witches Post “Slow City” from Baker’s Dozen Monthly Singles Project

Posted in Bootleg Theater on April 29th, 2022 by JJ Koczan

all them witches

It’s the last Friday of the month, and in 2022 that means new All Them Witches. Following up on March’s “Silver to Rust” (posted here), February’s “Fall Into Place” (posted here) and January’s series-kickoff “Blacksnake Blues” (posted here), the 12:45 “Slow City” is a steady rolling linear instrumental jam the likes of which the Nashville four-piece used to periodically post on their Bandcamp page, at random, sometimes temporarily. One is reminded a bit of “George W. Kush” or the Effervescent EP (review here) that first came out in 2014, though certainly there are other examples of their gone-exploring impulses captured on tape, including on their studio albums. Dudes can jam. We knew that.

There’s a build in “Slow City,” and the guitar hints late at some foreboding vibes, but they don’t blow out a payoff. Robby Staebler‘s drums hold steady and are atmospheric in their own right, and the guitar of Ben McLeod is in its own trance throughout, with Parks‘ basslines and what may or may not be Allan Van Cleave droning keys out in the background — I’m honestly not sure; if you told me I was imagining it, I’d believe you — adding to the breadth. It’s a mellow vibe but not at all inactive for that, and answers the peaks and valleys of “Silver to Rust” with a fluidity of its own.

All Them Witches are on tour starting May 6 — they’re coming to Asbury Park, which is nice — and after playing what the folks who worked at the jam-band magazine in my old office used to refer to infuriatingly as ‘The ‘Roo,’ they’ll head to Europe for a slew of other festivals and dates, none of which seem to be written out in a conveniently cut and pasted list, but all of which can be found, with ticket links and whatnot, at the link below.

Enjoy the track and here’s to marking the calendar for May 27 and the next song in the Baker’s Dozen series:

All Them Witches, “Slow City” official video

Tour On Sale Now:


All Them Witches is:
Charles Michael Parks, Jr – bass, vocals
Ben McLeod – guitar, vocals
Robby Staebler – drums, vocals
Allan Van Cleave – Rhodes piano, keys, violin

All Them Witches, “Blacksnake Blues”

All Them Witches, “Fall Into Place” official video

All Them Witches, “Silver to Rust” official video

All Them Witches on Facebook

All Them Witches on Instagram

All Them Witches on Bandcamp

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All Them Witches Post “Silver to Rust” from Baker’s Dozen Singles Project

Posted in Bootleg Theater on March 25th, 2022 by JJ Koczan

all them witches silver to rust

Nashville four-piece All Them Witches have unveiled the next in their Baker’s Dozen singles series in a track/video called “Silver to Rust.” The nine-minute piece, which follows behind “Fall Into Place” (posted here) and “Blacksnake Blues” (posted here) — yes, at some point I completely plan to have links for all of these songs individually, because that’s who I am — works in three distinct stages, unfolding at first with a kind of languid but somewhat downtrodden-of-mood fuzz before shifting at about three minutes in to a build led by the guitar that pays off in a soaring lead, and comes back to a verse with mellow vocals from bassist Charles Michael Parks, Jr. and drums building in intensity from Robby Staebler that only leave to question if they’re going to have enough time to hit another crescendo before the song is over.

By way of a spoiler, they do, if understatedly. Throughout, you’ll note the key work of Allan Van Cleave and the amorphous nature of Ben McLeod‘s guitar, tonally as well as in terms of what he’s playing at any given moment. Where past singles have dug into different sides of the band’s persona as I suppose they inevitably would, engaging their earlier work in “Blacksnake Blues” particularly, I get more of a latter-day All Them Witches vibe here, more dug into the jam than on 2020’s Nothing as the Ideal (review here), but still working from a similar experimentalist impulse, and seeming to grow bolder in the layering process as well.

I wonder how many of these songs are already done. If they’re all recorded and in the can, awaiting release, or in some stage of completion and being worked toward individually. Their presentation is awfully lined up, with all the links and digital distro, video, etc., but given All Them Witches‘ veteran status and factoring in that they’re a bigger band, I’d expect no less than such coordination. As the months play out, it’s interesting to hear the songs begin to interact with each other. I like this next to “Fall Into Place” and “Blacksnake Blues.” I like it on its own too. No substitute for being a sucker, I guess.

All Them Witches earlier this week announced a physical pressing for their Live on the Internet stream as a 2LP/CD. More on that here. They’ve got no shortage of tour dates as well. If you can see them, do that.

Until April, then, enjoy:

All Them Witches, “Silver to Rust” official video

Tour On Sale Now:

‘Silver To Rust’ Now Streaming:


All Them Witches is:
Charles Michael Parks, Jr – bass, vocals
Ben McLeod – guitar, vocals
Robby Staebler – drums, vocals
Allan Van Cleave – Rhodes piano, keys, violin

All Them Witches, “Blacksnake Blues”

All Them Witches, “Fall Into Place” official video

All Them Witches on Facebook

All Them Witches on Instagram

All Them Witches on Bandcamp

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All Them Witches Release Live on the Internet CD & LP

Posted in Whathaveyou on March 22nd, 2022 by JJ Koczan

Dec. 19, 2020. I actually didn’t watch All Them Witches‘ ‘Live on the Internet’ stream when the Nashville then-trio premiered it. Not for any disdain toward the band or the idea of streaming. I kind of knew it would be good and decided that would make me sad and that was that. Looking at the setlist now, I’ll do penance ordering the CD. Hardly flagellation, as punishments go.

They’re on the road most of this year, which is awesome and I hope it all happens and all that stuff. Recall that they’re back to the original four-piece incarnation of the band now, and that’s great too, but this was also for sure a stage of the band worth preserving. This isn’t their first and hopefully it won’t be their last live record. The more the merrier, on my shelf.

From the PR wire the other day:

All Them Witches Live on the Internet

All Them Witches have released LIVE ON THE INTERNET via New West Records

Order link:

All Them Witches are known for their loud and lengthy live shows. 2020 found the band releasing their critically acclaimed album, Nothing As The Ideal. An album release from this band would traditionally be followed by a lengthy 18-month tour across the globe. Due to an international pandemic, the band’s touring plans were brought to a halt. This did not stop All Them Witches from assembling in a studio to broadcast a live set for their fans. The set was roundly received as an amazing performance and fans immediately inquired as to whether or not this show would be available outside of the broadcast. New West Records is proud to present All Them Witches – LIVE ON THE INTERNET.

After being on lock down during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the band reconvened at S.I.R. Studios in Nashville, TN to perform a live-streamed event for their fans. Their single performance of the year featured the band playing songs from their critically acclaimed new album Nothing as the Ideal live for the very first time.

“Excited to announce that ‘Live On The Internet,’ with audio from the 2020 livestream of the same name, is available on streaming services NOW for you to enjoy.”

Check it out:

Order the 3-LP / 2-CD set, and watch the video for “Enemy of My Enemy” below.

1. Blood And Sand / Milk And Endless Waters 09:43
2. Dirt Preachers 04:04
3. Saturnine & Iron Jaw 05:00
4. 41 05:32
5. When God Comes Back 03:41
6. Alabaster 07:33
7. Diamond 06:21
8. 1X1 04:48
9. 3-5-7 03:42
10. The Marriage Of Coyote Woman 05:46
11. Charles William 05:48
12. Rats in Ruin 09:14
13. Open Passageways 03:33
14. Enemy of My Enemy 03:32
15. Everest 02:37
16. Bulls 05:20

Tour on sale now:

All Them Witches, “Enemy of My Enemy” from ‘Live on the Internet’

All Them Witches, Live on the Internet (2022)

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All Them Witches Post Video for New Song “Fall Into Place”

Posted in Bootleg Theater on February 25th, 2022 by JJ Koczan

all them witches fall into place

Nashville-based four-piece All Them Witches have posted a video for the second installment in what the band has dubbed their Baker’s Dozen singles series. “Fall Into Place” arrives behind last month’s “Blacksnake Blues” (posted here), which you can also hear below, and as the band gets ready to hit the road for what looks like an increasing amount of the year, they seem as well to be exploring new ground sonically as well.’

This is kind of a relief, to be honest. I dig “Blacksnake Blues” a lot, and a big part of that is the manner in which the track speaks to the band’s earlier work. “Fall Into Place” — true to form for the band — doesn’t. Instead, it’s among the most atmospheric material they’ve done, minimally percussed but backed by a current of drone that plays out behind the melancholic vocal melody. This, in turn, feels more in conversation with some of the experimentation with loops and different kinds of noise manifestations that showed up on 2020’s Nothing as the Ideal (review here), and in light of the shift in lineup that brought Allan Van Cleave back into the band on Rhodes/violin, etc., I’m glad those experiments haven’t been left by the wayside.

Have to wonder if All Them Witches aren’t thinking a 2LP compilation of all these songs when the year’s over, but I suppose we have many more months to speculate throughout 2022 as they build toward the entirety of Baker’s Dozen in a track-per-month rate and one to grow on.

Are we thinking last Friday of every month here? If so, I’ll go ahead and hold a spot for March 25 now.


All Them Witches, “Fall Into Place” official video

‘Fall Into Place,’ the second song from our Baker’s Dozen project, is yours to enjoy.

2022 Tour On Sale Now:


‘Fall Into Place’ is the second song from ATW’s project, “Baker’s Dozen.” Baker’s Dozen will feature 13 songs, one each month in 2022 plus an extra track.

Listen to the first Baker’s Dozen song, ‘Blacksnake Blues,’ now:

All Them Witches is:
Charles Michael Parks, Jr – bass, vocals
Ben McLeod – guitar, vocals
Robby Staebler – drums, vocals
Allan Van Cleave – Rhodes piano, keys, violin

All Them Witches, “Blacksnake Blues”

All Them Witches on Facebook

All Them Witches on Instagram

All Them Witches on Bandcamp

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The Obelisk Show on Gimme Metal Playlist: Episode 77

Posted in Radio on February 4th, 2022 by JJ Koczan

the obelisk show banner

There’s a lot going on here. A lot to unpack, in the parlance of our times, but I’m gonna keep it short because I always feel like I screw these posts up by making it more than the list of bands and encouragement and thanks for listening that it should be. Hey, guess what? I think the songs I picked for the show I made don’t suck. If that wasn’t going to be the case, why would I pick them?

As for the voice breaks here, I barely remember what I said other than I was awkward. My wife was giving our son a bath at the time and I was worried he tub sounds would show up in the recording. That’s my rock and roll lifestyle. I’ve been considering a cocaine addiction so I can convince myself I’m fun again. Maybe go to a show.

Thanks for listening. Or reading. Whatever, really. Just thanks.

The Obelisk Show airs 5PM Eastern today on the Gimme app or at:

Full playlist:

The Obelisk Show – 02.04.22

Author & Punisher Maiden Star Kruller
Purple Dawn Death to a Dying World Peace & Doom Session Vol. II
Eric Wagner Maybe Tomorrow In the Lonely Light of Mourning
Madmess Stargazer Rebirth
Stone House on Fire Waterfall Time is a Razor
Hazemaze Ceremonial Aspersion Blinded by the Wicked
Spaceslug Spring of the Abyss Memorial
Mt. Echo These Concrete Lungs Electric Empire
Slugg Yonder Yonder
KYOTY Ventilate Isolation
JIRM You Fly The Tunnel, the Well, Holy Bedlam
Carcaňo I Don’t Belong Here By Order of the Green Goddess
Ascia Eternal Glory Volume II
MWWB The Harvest The Harvest
All Them Witches Blacksnake Blues Baker’s Dozen

The Obelisk Show on Gimme Metal airs every Friday 5PM Eastern, with replays Sunday at 7PM Eastern. Next new episode is Feb. 18 (subject to change). Thanks for listening if you do.

Gimme Metal website

The Obelisk on Facebook

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