The Obelisk Questionnaire: Robbie Willis from WyndRider

Robbie Willis from WyndRider

The Obelisk Questionnaire is a series of open questions intended to give the answerer an opportunity to explore these ideas and stories from their life as deeply as they choose. Answers can be short or long, and that reveals something in itself, but the most important factor is honesty.

Based on the Proust Questionnaire, the goal over time is to show a diverse range of perspectives as those who take part bring their own points of view to answering the same questions. To see all The Obelisk Questionnaire posts, click here.

Thank you for reading and thanks to all who participate.

The Obelisk Questionnaire: Robbie Willis from WyndRider

How do you define what you do and how did you come to do it?

That’s a hard one to nail down. I like to do what makes me happy as much as possible, whether it’s playing guitar or travelling or just having a moment to myself. Because most of the time living day to day is full of shit that makes you miserable. I guess I have learned over time that you have to make the good outweigh the bad.

Describe your first musical memory.

Probably when I was very young in church. According to my mom, it was obvious that I loved music from the first time that I heard it. She used to sing Hank Williams and gospel music constantly. But the first actual concert I went to was Sammy Kershaw with my uncle when I was four or five years old.

Describe your best musical memory to date.

I guess that actually changes all the time. Every time we play as WyndRider it means a lot to me. It’s the type of music I have always wanted to play ever since I started on guitar. And I have played a lot of other stuff. Getting to see Black Sabbath was… I was real high but that was fucking cool. And, the first time I saw Iron Maiden was really surreal because I ended up completely separated from my friends but only about 20 feet from the band. I felt like I might as well have been the only person there.

When was a time when a firmly held belief was tested?

There’s been a lot. But, I think shit changes too much to really hold a firm belief in anything for too long.

Where do you feel artistic progression leads?

Poverty. Half joking. It can lead wherever you want. The whole point is to just try. Some dude once asked us when we are going to tour the UK, so hopefully it leads there. (Call me.)

How do you define success?

Whatever goal you have, if you have reached that goal or even close I’d say that is pretty successful. You can be as successful as you want, but if you aren’t happy in doing whatever it is then it’s worthless.

What is something you have seen that you wish you hadn’t?

An accidental suicide. That one was pretty bad.

Describe something you haven’t created yet that you’d like to create.

I would like to make a short movie. But there’s a lot that goes into that and I don’t have a lot of patience. I have thought about it quite a few different times though throughout my life. Maybe one day I can make it happen.

What do you believe is the most essential function of art?

I think creating art is the most essential function of art. Somebody has got to do it. Not everybody has to like it. And what somebody considers art is not universal, but actually making it so that it’s there for someone to appreciate (or not appreciate) is the most important part to me.

Something non-musical that you’re looking forward to?

My son’s birthday is coming up. Watching him grow up is always something I look forward to, to an extent. Him getting older means he’s not going to think I’m cool anymore after a while.

WyndRider, WyndRider (2023)

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