The Obelisk Questionnaire: Giuseppe Guarini of King Potenaz

Giuseppe Guarini of King Potenaz

The Obelisk Questionnaire is a series of open questions intended to give the answerer an opportunity to explore these ideas and stories from their life as deeply as they choose. Answers can be short or long, and that reveals something in itself, but the most important factor is honesty.

Based on the Proust Questionnaire, the goal over time is to show a diverse range of perspectives as those who take part bring their own points of view to answering the same questions. To see all The Obelisk Questionnaire posts, click here.

Thank you for reading and thanks to all who participate.

The Obelisk Questionnaire: Giuseppe Guarini of King Potenaz

How do you define what you do and how did you come to do it?

I play guitar and vocals in King Potenaz and I think it’s the most satisfying thing ever. I started as a kid as a self-taught and I played and sang in different bands in high school… then unfortunately I left everything for many years until 2019 when I was overwhelmed by the desire to compose original songs and in the end here I am.

Describe your first musical memory.

A cassette donated by a musician friend who had Iron Maiden’s The Number of The Beast on side A and Nirvana’s Nevermind on side B.

Describe your best musical memory to date.

A Black Mountain concert a few years ago… I remember being completely kidnapped by the performance and psychedelia of the songs and having goosebumps for the entire duration of the concert… it was a mystical experience.

When was a time when a firmly held belief was tested?

When I took covid after taking the third dose of vaccine… the world collapsed on me not so much because I was sick but because I was I firmly believed I was immune.

Where do you feel artistic progression leads?

I believe that it leads to a greater understanding of yourself… art must bring to light what we have inside and carry into music the feelings, thoughts and dreams (whether positive or negative) of the man behind the artist.

How do you define success?

Success is having the opportunity to share your idea of music but above all being able to be satisfied with what you have created.

What is something you have seen that you wish you hadn’t?

I saw a loved one who was a second father to me suddenly die and it is something I will never forget.

Describe something you haven’t created yet that you’d like to create.

I’d like to create a concept album set in space… doom and overly psychedelic.

What do you believe is the most essential function of art?

Art is the expression of the innermost self.

Something non-musical that you’re looking forward to?

Setting up my first telescope.

King Potenaz, Demo 6:66

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