Høstsabbat 2023: Aiming for Enrike Added

Posted in Whathaveyou on August 28th, 2023 by JJ Koczan

Hometown experimentalists Aiming for Enrike are the latest addition to Høstsabbat 2023, and serve as another example of the Oslo-based festival branching out to include new sounds and ideas. I wasn’t familiar with the two-piece, so checked out this year’s Empty Airports and found it to be an enticing blend of keyboard exploration, manipulated drums, an intensity of purpose that feels inherited from krautrock more than the audio itself, though “Square Machine” did get up to some noise after reminding of the Scarface soundtrack earlier on, which I’d totally believe is on purpose.

Aiming for Enrike aren’t the first electronica-minded outfit to be confirmed for Høstsabbat, which also announced LLNN-offshoot John Cxnnor way back in Spring, but Simen Følstad Nilsen and Tobias Ørnes Andersen bring an avant dance sensibility to the proceedings that wasn’t there before. Growth! Forward progression! Entanglements of aesthetic! These are the things.

From social media:

hostsabbat 2023 aiming for enrike


It’s the day of the Sabbath – normally not our announcement day.

Suitable as it is nevertheless, as our band for today is far from the «normal» Høstsabbat band, if there ever was one.

We have been waiting for this announcement for quite some time, as they enchanted thousands of people at Øyafestivalen a couple of weeks ago, but now, the time is here:

Aiming For Enrike has been a force of nature in our domestic music scene for years and years, and their journey has been nothing less than spectacular.

Evolving from a chaotic and noisy two piece, pouring out aggressive and complex metal and hardcore riffs.

They are now a full blown two-piece handling stadium-sized stages with pounding, energetic and challenging club beats, accompanied by signature interstellar soundscapes and rhythms. Totally captivating, always mind blowing, never boring.

We are beyond stoked to present Aiming For Enrike at Høstsabbat 2023





Aiming for Enrike, Empty Airports (2023)

Høstsabbat Spotify Playlist

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