Mammoth Volume to Release Raised Up by Witches Aug. 23

I very pointedly went into the new Mammoth Volume single with no expectations of what was coming. I still managed to be surprised. The yacht-rock synth, classic prog weirdo bounce, somehow so Swedish and yet likewise so much not even of this reality’s wavelength — a decadescopic mashup that’s still later Beatles influenced but has gone so far off the deep end as to define its own normality as a standard for pop. Oh, and it rocks too.

It’s a good thing the record’s not out until August so maybe I can have a chance of getting my brain around this one four-minute segment of it. “Serpent in the Deep” — the track in question — comes from the Lysekil troupe’s new LP, Raised Up by Witches, which is out Aug. 23 on Blues Funeral Recordings. It’s the follow-up to their 2022 return album, The Cursed Who Perform the Larvagod Rites (review here), which came out first through Blues Funeral‘s PostWax subscription series, for which I’ve handled liner notes up to this point (full disclosure, etc.). As for anything more on the new record, I can’t say since I haven’t heard it. If you caught the last one though, you know it’s out there.

This came in a Bandcamp update yesterday, so I expect the PR wire follow-up to roll through probably five minutes after this is posted and shared. So it goes. The song streaming at the bottom is the point anyhow, and that’s there. Have at it:

mammoth volume raised up by witches

MAMMOTH VOLUME – Raised Up by Witches

MAMMOTH VOLUME return with Raised Up By Witches, an absorbing trek through head-nodding grooves, wistful instrumentation and quirky brilliance that harnesses their absolute fluency with the surprisingly compatible genres of 70s progressive rock and classic stoner grooves.

MAMMOTH VOLUME has made it their brand to go unexpected places and take surprising turns pretty much every time you think you have them pegged. The latest installment in their angular yet infectious alternative to straightforward boogie van riffage, Raised Up By Witches is an exhilarating new trip where MAMMOTH VOLUME are basically the only vehicle on the road.

1. The Battle of Lightwedge
2. Black Horse Beach
3. Scissor Bliss
4. Diablo III: Faces in the Water
5. Lisa
6. Serpent in the Deep
7. Cult Of Eneera
8. A Tale about a Photon
9. Sången om Ymer

Mammoth Volume, Raised Up by Witches (2024)

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