Høstsabbat 2023: Spaceslug Added to Lineup

This is maybe even the third time Spaceslug have been confirmed for Høstsabbat, though one wonders at this point if anything that happened in 2020 either was real or counted. In any case, the Polish progressive heavy psychedelic rockers are slated for the 10th anniversary of the venerable Oslo-based festival after originally being announced last year and ultimately unable to make the trip. They go in support of late 2021’s Memorial (review here), which further thickened the plot of their aesthetic with deeper turns into darker and more metal-derived divergences. They are one of the best bands Poland has produced in the last decade-plus, and I very, very much hope to be in Norway this October when they play the church. It is a fitting space for a sound that’s as much a tapestry as theirs.

As I said last week when Black Rainbows was announced, I’m going to try to keep up with the Høstsabbat 10th anniversary lineup as bands are announced over the next however-many weeks. I’ve got a lot of love for the people who put it together and make it go, and when the pickups are as good as theirs have been so far for 2023, it’s that much more fun to follow along.

They put the following on socials this morning:



Høstsabbat has been lucky over the years, with very few cancellations all together. Last year, however, it happened to us as well.

Many of you were eagerly awaiting, and rightfully so, the magic of Spaceslug, and we knew we had to give them another chance. This year, the Polish wizards are coming to church with a vengeance.

That Polish doom scene, peeps? It’s so lush and vital it’s ridiculous, and our love for it is absolutely no secret. The soulful music this country keeps pouring out is beyond. The heavy and deeply melodic presence sets its scene apart, in the richest and most enchanting of ways.

To stand out amongst their peers, SPACESLUG have carved their own path. A path of riffs. Here they can wander between sabbathian swing and the darker complexity of the post-metal world without looking back, and with the greatest of ease. On top of this, they manage to add melody, harmonies even, resulting in a unique, spellbinding mix of SPACESLUG mastery.

Please welcome SPACESLUG to our ten-year anniversary!





Høstsabbat Spotify Playlist

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