The Sword Disband

I guess I kind of missed out on The Sword. I had some experience with them early, their demo, the subsequent Age of Winters (discussed here), and I gave 2018’s Used Future a short and entirely-superfluous-to-the-universe review, but there’s not much coverage for them to be found in these ‘pages,’ and as founding guitarist/vocalist John D. Cronise draws the curtain on the band — am I right in thinking they broke up for a short time previously? was it when Trivett Wingo left? — it occurs to me that, yeah, they kind of did a whole cycle of success that I basically whiffed on. Can’t catch ’em all, whatever the Pokémon trainer says.

The last time I saw them was in 2011, so you’re not going to find me claiming any real expertise, but they were and may someday again be a band that a lot of people loved, so their breakup is certainly noteworthy. They did Ripplefest Texas this year, Psycho Las Vegas last year. They’ve been around, and put in years of hard road time. I don’t think they’ll be the last of their generation to kind of age out over the next few years — they’re not the first, for that matter — but if they’re really done, they achieved more than most ever do in spreading the word of heavy riffs, and for that one can be only grateful.

Cronise’s statement from social media follows here:

The sword

Hello friends,

I find it my duty to inform you that, after much contemplation, I have reached the difficult conclusion that it’s time to bring The Sword’s long and storied career to a close. When I started the band back in 2004, I could’ve only hoped for the successes we’ve enjoyed, and I consider myself extremely lucky to have been able to do it for a living for almost two decades. In that time everything I ever wanted to say and do with The Sword creatively has been said and done, and so the time has come for me to move on to other endeavors.

Thanks to everyone who’s ever come to a show, bought our albums and merch, and supported
us over the years. Thanks to everyone who’s teched, tour managed, done sound, or sold merch for us. Thanks to all the bands who’ve taken us on tour and to all the bands we’ve taken on tour.

Thanks to the promotors and venues who booked us and let us play. Thanks to the producers and recording engineers who worked on our albums and to the labels that released them.

Thanks to Josh our booking agent and Mark our business manager, whom we are glad to count
as friends. And most of all thanks to my bandmates, Kyle, Bryan, Jimmy, and Trivett, for having faith in me and allowing me to realize my vision. You dudes are true legends.

It’s been a helluva journey. Now it’s time for the next chapter…

— John D. Cronise

The Sword, Conquest of Kingdoms (2022)

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One Response to “The Sword Disband”

  1. Seannnn says:

    I’ve always thought their music was just ok. They may be talented musicians, but the records seem unexceptional – there are so many bands that do it better and with more originality.
    On a side note, my friend tried to do a quick interview with them around the time of their first record for our college radio station and they were extremely rude to him. They said they only did interviews for bigger stations or publications. Whatever, good riddance. (#129335#)

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