Friday Full-Length: UFO, UFO 2: Flying (One Hour Space Rock)

Posted in Bootleg Theater on September 20th, 2013 by JJ Koczan

UFO, UFO 2: Flying (One Hour Space Rock) (1971)

I think deciding how to format the title UFO 2: Flying (One Hour Space Rock) might actually have been the hardest thing I did all week. That or I’m just really, really tired. The latter might also explain the head/backaches and why I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open at 9PM. The Patient Mrs.‘ alarm went off this morning at six — because she’s an adult and adults have to wake up early and go to their real jobs — and I got up with that, starting thinking about my own day ahead, and by the time I realized I didn’t actually want to be having conscious thoughts, it was too late. Awake.

She’s gone for the night, is The Patient Mrs. I had to laugh earlier when we were on the phone and I was running down the evening’s plans. Used to be my wife would go away and I’d get (extra) loaded and stay up and watch This is Spinal Tap, or I’d go record shopping, or just do whatever I wanted to enjoy the alone time. Tonight I had an interview at 7:30PM, so I worked until then, and then I came downstairs — leaving the office upstairs felt like a holiday enough, frankly — put the ballgame on and made a salad for dinner. Rock and roll! There’s my big night on my own. Later on I’ll watch Trailer Park Boys and crack a smile or two, try to keep myself awake long enough that when I finally fall asleep it sticks and I can make it to morning.

Tomorrow is another work day, essentially. I have a couple emailers to put together and emails to answer going back more than a week. Not just “hey dude here’s my Bandcamp” either, actual interpersonal communications from people I consider friends that I haven’t gotten back to. I hate being behind on that kind of thing. Enough to spend all day Saturday once again with my face glued to the laptop screen? Yeah, apparently. Maybe Sunday I’ll go for a walk or something, leave homebase for a bit. Probably not.

The interview tonight was with “Iron” Al Morris III from Iron Man. I had a feature up on him back in 2009 when they put out I Have Returned, but if I recall right, that was an emailer too. I don’t think we’ve ever actually spoken. Anyway, it went well and it’ll be up on Tuesday with a track premiere of a song from the new South of the Earth album, which is a doomer’s delight. I’m looking forward to it and I hope you will as well.

Also next week, reviews of Mystery Ship (that one’s long overdue) and Hollow Leg (ditto). If I have time, I’ll get one for Red Fang together too, but we’ll see how the week pans out. Look out for a new podcast either tomorrow or Monday, depending both on my mood and productivity, and there’s always lots more I never can plan on before the week actually starts. You know how it goes.

Of course, in the meantime, enjoy the UFO. It’s a bit of a classic. I feel like I haven’t said this in a while and really I should be saying it every day, every post, but thank you for reading. I hope you have a great and safe weekend. Please check out the forum and/or the radio stream if you’ve got the time.

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