Liquify Release New Full-Length Lost in Time

Posted in Whathaveyou on November 24th, 2021 by JJ Koczan

Lost in Time is the second Liquify full-length of 2021 behind January’s Illusionary Reality, and it follows a science-fiction storyline set 300 years in the future dealing with a potentially lost love and, of course, an invader from an alternate dimension. Because if you’re going to write sci-fi, make it frickin’ count. Kudos to Washington-based Tanner Ratcliffe on giving listeners that much more to dive into.

It’s a vibe-heavy affair from the social media-averse solo-project and the spaciousness suits narrative as well. The last record for enough of a response that even I eventually caught onto it, so with the follow-up being self-released last night, it seemed only fair to note the occasion.

Info and audio, courtesy of Bandcamp:

Liquify Lost in Time

Liquify – Lost in Time

In the distant year of 2321, visions of serenity have closely become reality in earth’s calm future. Join Captain Fritzer as he finds himself trapped in the time loop where he must save the love of his life while fighting off a hyper-dimensional invader who hunts them through the barren wasteland…

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a fascination with science fiction, particularly that of the future. The thought of what the world could look like in a 100, 200, or 1000 years always struck me with a burning interest.

I had so many questions like what would technology look like? What would the cities and civilizations of the future look like and how far advanced would things be? Would humanity ever see the future advanced civilizations like of that depicted in 1950s and 1970s vintage retro art, or are we doomed to destroy each other and simply restart like a cycle? Is humanity even meant to achieve such advancements or is it only a concept belonging to the modern human imagination?

Anyway, I wanted this album to be future themed while still having the Liquify sound and desert feel. I also thought it would be unique to have a concept with a story about a man having to save the love of his life while escaping an evil interdimensional invader.

The album begins smooth and dreamy with Visions of Serenity and moves on to a relaxed pace with Trapped in the Time Loop eventually building to a crescendo of distortion guitar driven madness with multiple solos, like that of someone being driven insane while stuck in a time loop repeating the same event over and over. We move on to Forgotten Years which has a more somber feel while maintaining a groovy desert rock vibe. Next, we reach the Garden of Enchantment keeping it slow and steady while also keeping it short and sweet.

Last but not least, we arrive at the long riff building Future-Fi that includes a hypnotic synth and then closes off the album with a harmonic melody.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for the support along the way. I hope you enjoy the music and stay tuned for more on the way! – Liquify 

1. Visions of Serenity 03:25
2. Trapped in the Time Loop 09:27
3. Forgotten Years 08:29
4. Garden of Enchantment 03:56
5. Future-Fi 15:35

All instruments by Tanner Ratcliffe
Artwork by Yusuf Wahyudi
Written, Recorded, and Mixed from February to July 2021

Liquify, Lost in Time (2021)

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