The Obelisk Questionnaire: Gregory March of False Gods

Posted in Questionnaire on October 21st, 2022 by JJ Koczan

Gregory March of False Gods

The Obelisk Questionnaire is a series of open questions intended to give the answerer an opportunity to explore these ideas and stories from their life as deeply as they choose. Answers can be short or long, and that reveals something in itself, but the most important factor is honesty.

Based on the Proust Questionnaire, the goal over time is to show a diverse range of perspectives as those who take part bring their own points of view to answering the same questions. To see all The Obelisk Questionnaire posts, click here.

Thank you for reading and thanks to all who participate.

The Obelisk Questionnaire: Gregory March of False Gods

How do you define what you do and how did you come to do it?

I play guitar and write songs for False Gods. I don’t really know how it happened, to be honest. Myself and Mike, our singer, were in another band called “skeletondealer” but I was playing drums at that time still. That band dissolved and there was a guitar still at our old rehearsal space so I wrote some songs and the rest, as they say, is history.

Describe your first musical memory.

I honestly don’t know. There was always music in the house when I was a kid. My mother would do local theater while we were growing up so it’s probably something related to that. Having her learning songs for whatever show she was involved in.

Describe your best musical memory to date.

My best musical memory was writing and recording our last record entitled “Neurotopia” which should drop this summer on Seeing Red Records. I’m very proud of this one. We upped the ante on this record, bigly.

When was a time when a firmly held belief was tested?

During the lockdown.

Where do you feel artistic progression leads?

To the poorhouse.

How do you define success?

Having the freedom to do as you please, whenever.

What is something you have seen that you wish you hadn’t?

The Sisters of Mercy in NYC about 10-15 years ago, although I still love them dearly.

Describe something you haven’t created yet that you’d like to create.

A living.

What do you believe is the most essential function of art?

Communication of ideas and feelings. Connecting with an audience.

Something non-musical that you’re looking forward to?

A nap.

False Gods, Neurotopia (2022)

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