Dirt Communion Would Like You to Know They Exist

Posted in Whathaveyou on August 11th, 2009 by JJ Koczan

The classic "tough guy still life in front of brick wall." It's an institution by now.They emailed me to tell me so. The five-piece hails from Reno, Nevada and, with Zakk Wylde bullseye guitar in tow, play a Down-style riffy Southern metal. Their bio says they formed after hearing Over the Under, which doesn’t earn them any points in my head, and the vocals on some of the songs they’re streaming on their MySpace seem a little high in the mix, but it was nice of them to drop a line and say hi anyway, so there you go.

Dirt Communion has an EP called Antique Mechanic for pay download at Bandcamp. Allegedly coming soon to iTunes, Amazon and wherever else the kids buy their non-physical media these days. I wouldn’t know. However you obtain it, enjoy.

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