Lammping Post New Two-Songer Better Know Better

Posted in Whathaveyou on March 28th, 2023 by JJ Koczan

Sometimes it just feels like a band has your number. And you know, every time Toronto’s Lammping put out a track, an EP, LP, whatever it is at this point, going into it I think to myself there’s no way the band can maintain the standard of craft they’ve set — not for any real reason on their part, I just feel like my expectations are unrealistic — but they absolutely do, and “Better Know Better” is the latest manifestation of that.

The single itself is a who-would-ever-need-more sub-four-minute nostalgia trip in the spirit of their prior work, with a playfully Southern-tinged lick of guitar met by dub-ish drumming that’s given further emphasis on the instrumental companion-piece “Better Know Better (End of Dummy Lane),” and a chorus melody that’s like Abbey Road emerging from the casual swing of the early verse and a satisfying build as it moves toward the oh-hello-there of the organ in its second half. No pretense anywhere, and it’s straightforward enough to make the wah on the guitar count, but it’s warm and inviting as Lammping seem so consistently to be, and yeah, they nailed it again. Seems to just be how it goes.

It’s been about nine months since Lammping issued their last single, “Desert on the Keel” (review here), and that’s actually kind of a long stretch for them, though in all fairness, if they wanted to just out a new song every month and a half or so from now until the electric grid crashes, I don’t really see how I’d complain about it. But as I write this I’m not sure if “Better Know Better” is leading toward an EP or album or if it’s just a standalone, but I’ll take it as it comes from these cats and in the spirit of the music itself, leave tomorrow’s worries for their own time.

V-I-B-E. Behold:

Lammping Better Know Better

New release from Lammping – Better Know Better

We’ve been recording a bunch of music for our new album. This joint started with a riff and ended up wherever this is. Probably not gonna be on the album, but its a cool ditty, so why not put it out. We started making beats out of our own songs as well, so the b-side is a remix of the single. Dig!

Lammping, “Better Know Better” (2023)

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