Mouth Sign to This Charming Man; New Album Getaway Due This Summer

Heretofore undervalued classic progressive rockers Mouth would seem to be at the starting point of the promotional cycle for their next album. Their fourth studio LP overall, it’s titled Getaway, which bodes well for anyone perhaps seeking escapist pastoralia, and will see release this summer as their first collaboration with the of-venerable-taste This Charming Man Records. I know precious little about the record to be issued beyond the title, but the Köln-based trio have been dutifully posting social media updates on its status, and it looks like the show they played on Feb. 11 doubled maybe as a celebration of having finished the mastering. If that’s not true, then at least they’re close to it. “Finishing touches,” and all that.

The otherwise latest release from Mouth — also stylized all-lowercase: mouth — is 2020’s Out of the Vortex, which featured alternate versions and off-LP tracks from the sessions for their direction-defining 2017 sophomore full-length, Vortex (review here), which set them on a path of warm and spacious prog, linked in aesthetic to the early ’70s and readily acknowledging that as a key influence. The band’s roots go back to the turn of the century, which was celebrated on 2019’s compilation, Past Present Future (review here), and one looks forward to hearing four years after that how the ‘future’ portion might manifest on Getaway. May we all have a lounger reserved for us on Prog Island.

The band posted the following announcement on the aforementioned socials, keeping it quick and to the point. Hopefully I’ll have more to come on the album before summer gets here.



We are proud to announce we are now part of the THIS CHARMING MAN familiy. We signed the contract for our 6th release (4th longplayer studio album) GETAWAY said to be released on vinyl on this magnificent record label this summer!

Christian Koller: vocals, guitars & keyboards
Thomas Johnen: bass
Nick Mavridis: drums, keyboards

Mouth, Out of the Vortex (2020)

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