Groan Post Clip for “Cosmic Boogie”

It had been my initial intent to post the following Groan video with a probably-way-too-long rant about how the bastard YouTubes had again thwarted my ability to include the orange video frames I hold so dear — but alas! — through some crafty (and probably novice) HTMLing, I have managed to once more subvert their will toward what they think of as “progress” and “streamlining.” This is doom. Stow your progress elsewhere.

Thus, it’s with victory in mind now that I embed this Groan clip for the new and appropriately-titled track “Cosmic Boogie.” It’s short at 2:53, but Mazzareth and company still manage to pack in Cathedral influence, dancing forest pagan girls, The Wizard of Oz, chest hair and some classic British television, so be ready to be impressed:

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