Roareth: Exploding Brains in the First Act

Usually I like to keep my posts nice and neat, all separated and put into their unique classifications, then along comes the recently On the Radar-ed Roareth, screwing it all up. This is the first post in the year-plus The Obelisk has been active to be in not one, not two, but three separate categories. They’ve just put up a video for the song “Act I,” on their MySpace. Okay, so it’s an On the Radar update, it’s Whathaveyou because it’s news, and it’s Bootleg Theater because it’s a video. I don’t know about you, friends, but my mind is blown.

And that’s before I even watched the damn thing:

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One Response to “Roareth: Exploding Brains in the First Act”

  1. Aaron Edge says:

    Hey thar, firstly thanx for another post. You are more supportive than most of my lycra cycling clothes!

    That said, I wanted to email you but yer contact page gives an error message when trying to send you communication.

    Could you fix or just post an email address for ya? I have something to ask you. You may delete this comment after reading, if you wish… I know it’s long and silly.

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