Can I Review this Demo in Less than 50 Words?

You know and I know that I’m a wordy bastard. I don’t make any attempt to hide it. Hey, this is my site. If I can’t be verbose here, what’s the point? You don’t have to read it all, and if you do anyway, thanks. If not, I understand. If this was just some schmuck’s corner of the internet I went to for tour dates and the like, I might not want to make my way through a 900-word Citay review either. I understand.

The basic question is, “Can I give at least a semi-comprehensive review of a CD in 50 words or under?” Let’s find out:

Luna Negra, Soundproof Demo
Looks like Natas, sounds like Kyuss, comes from Poland. Unsigned and instrumental. Desert riffy, definitely missing a vocalist here and there. Two guitarists, neither could sing? Points for calling their label Mustache Ministry, but nothing sonically mind-blowing. Middle of the road stoner. Maybe forgettable, but not terrible.

Grand total: 47 words.

Of course, this was a lot easier to do with Band X‘s demo than it would be with a release of greater consequence, but give me a break. I’ve dropped 350 words on 7″s with two songs on them, so it works both ways. In any case, experiment successful. It can be done. But you know, don’t expect it to be on any kind of regular basis.

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2 Responses to “Can I Review this Demo in Less than 50 Words?”

  1. I.C. Graves says:

    Pretty damn cool. Now I’m gonna have that hook stuck in my head for days. Maybe neither guitarist speaks English?

  2. Mad says:

    Hi there. I’m glad to notice my favourite stoner-blog is postin’ about Luna Negra (friends of mine, straight from capitol city of Poland). Guys play pretty damn cool. Check out other polish stoner/southern/sludge bands:

    Broken Betty
    Elvis DeLuxe
    Fifty Foot Woman
    Obscure Sphinx
    Satellite Beaver (my band, demo’s coming up, I’ll send you tracks and maybe a copy if you want to)

    Our scene is growin up very quick. None of the bands signed the contract yet, but we hope the situation will change.

    Greetings from the middle-east of Europe.


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