The Numbers: This Thing of Lameness I Acknowledge Mine

So June wasn’t so great. At least not as compared to May. And the gradual upward trend that I saw as the march to 30,000 hits a month pretty much hit a wall. Okay, fair enough. Keeps me humble, reminds me that at the end of the day I’m just an irrelevant dude sitting in front of a computer all afternoon writing reviews and talking up bands. Hey, that’s pretty much what I signed up for when I created that WordPress account.

Still got to 20,000, which is great as far as I’m concerned and still more than I thought I’d ever get, so that’s a plus. Still visits from every state in the US and 108 countries around the world. And it’s summer, just because I’m not doesn’t mean other people aren’t outside, actually doing things. Yeah, that’s the ticket. When the site’s kicking ass, it’s because I rule and understand this music better than anyone in the world, and when it’s down it’s because people have just decided to enjoy the weather. Totally. That makes sense, right?

Whatever. You have to move past it. July is busy as hell. I’ll be in the studio with Kings Destroy this weekend as they record their debut full-length with Sanford Parker in Hoboken, and we’ll have interviews with Zoroaster, Gozu, Against Nature, Yakuza and Hawkwind — that’s right, Dave Brock spoke to my irrelevant ass. Takest thou that, disbelievers. Here’s more:

Adventure: As a way to get writing done, The Patient Mrs. and I have rented a cabin in the woods of Vermont for July 7 through August 7. If you’re thinking that all I ever do is write anyway, you’re correct, but I’m thinking story-type writing, stuff for school and whatnot. What that means for The Obelisk is a reshuffling of my priorities. I’ll still be posting every day throughout July, but it might be one or two posts instead of five or six. Or three, or five. I don’t know yet, but I have a shitload of work that needs to get done and I’m going to make the time to do it one way or another. I’ll probably take some pictures and write about it on here as well.

Where to Start: This is, in fact, going to be a regular feature. There may even be a new one today if I can find the time, since I love that they seem to really spark a discussion in the way regular reviews don’t. Any requests for Where to Start pieces, leave a comment.

The Maple Forum: As of Tuesday, the manufacturing process on the Roareth CDs has begun. I can’t imagine they’ll be here before I leave for Vermont, but I’ll be back in the valley a couple times over the course of the month for shows and whathaveyou, so I’ll have them up for sale as soon as possible.

Podcast: The all-Brit podcast leaves the top page spot today. This week it was downloaded a whopping 42 times. If anyone knows a way to stream it in the sidebar, I’d be eager to know about it. I’d like to have the audio more immediately available to anyone who wants to listen.

Thanks for reading and being a part of this ongoing experiment.

Helcoid Probleminious Taskmaster
JJ Koczan

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3 Responses to “The Numbers: This Thing of Lameness I Acknowledge Mine”

  1. Slevin says:

    Yeah, you can probably drop the audio player into the sidebar. Isn’t as easy as doing a widget, however. Gotta hardcode it.

  2. paul says:

    Mr A at WWS might be able to hook you up.

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