Announcing The Obelisk Radio

Posted in audiObelisk on November 26th, 2012 by JJ Koczan

This one is kind of a while coming. As I haven’t really had the time to put together podcasts in a few months, making the jump to a 24-hour live stream of audio seemed only natural. So here we are. The Obelisk Radio went live just over the weekend and I’m glad to say it doesn’t seem to have collapsed the site under its weight in bandwidth. There are a few kinks to work out, but we’ll get there and in the meantime, a constant source of something decent to listen to is just a click away in the sidebar.

Albums are being added all the time. To find out what’s currently in the playlist, check out the updates page: The Obelisk Radio

The root of the playlist comes from the hard drive that once served as K666 on That drive came into my possession courtesy of Arzgarth, and over the last couple weeks, Slevin has (as ever) been diligently providing much-needed technical assistance with the setup. Without either of these guys, this wouldn’t be happening, so first and foremost, thanks to both of them.

If you have an album you want to submit, or you don’t want your stuff played, or whatever other concern you might have, please just send me an email.

Doing this also adds a bit to my monthly costs in keeping the site going. In my ongoing effort to not quite break even, I’ll be offering up one underwriting spot per month at $20 basically to anyone who wants to Paypal me the money. Again, there’s only one spot, so if you’re interested, please reach out. Would be awesome to lock someone in for December as the month approaches.

Lastly, please understand this is still a work in progress. There are a lot of changes I want to implement on the back end and much to be done even more than just uploading albums to the server. If the server goes down at some point, please be patient. It could just be that it’s being worked on, updated, moved, restarted to let some change take effect, etc.

But with that caveat, I welcome you to The Obelisk Radio and hope you’ll take advantage of the resource moving forward. Happy listening.

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