Old Horn Tooth Premiere Mourning Light in its Entirety; Out Friday

Posted in audiObelisk, Reviews on July 2nd, 2024 by JJ Koczan

Old Horn Tooth Mourning Light

This Friday, UK longform doomers Old Horn Tooth will release their second album, Mourning Light, via Evil Noise Recordings (tape) and their own London Doom Collective imprint. Prefaced by the 2021 standalone 21-minute-long single, “True Death” (review here), the four-song/68-minute sophomore outing gazes unflinchingly into the void of its own construction — a dark, densely humid weight of tone and purpose likewise realized in terms of the fervency of its riff worship and its downerism — and follows 2019’s debut, From the Ghost Grey Depths, with a strong, plodding and declarative step forward. Through “Precipice,” “No Salvation,” “Mourning Light” and “Invisible Agony,” the three-piece of guitarist/vocalist Chris Jones, bassist Ollie Isaac and drummer Mark Davidson (also credited with “griefcase,” which I’m going to assume is a laptop or some other kind of synthesizer apparatus) present themselves as monolithic but not monotonous and extreme in their approach but not without melodic accessibility or emotional resonance. That is to say, yeah, it’s a slog, but it’s very much the slog they intended it to be.

At nearly 17 minutes long, “Precipice” begins with a whole-album ambient intro before giving over to its first distorted rumblings and the march counted slowly in by Davidson‘s ride cymbal. The immediate touchstone in terms of modus is Monolord, but Old Horn Tooth carve their own niche in mountainous sounds as Jones‘ vocals echo in the mix’s deceptively broad space with a sense of longing that calls Warning to mind, and that continues to serve as a defining aspect of what they do as one verse gives way to the next, the trio departs to a more meditative instrumental stretch anchored around Isaac‘s bassline and lumber toward and through a suitable crescendo, fading to silence before the comparatively immediate impact of “No Salvation” arrives, quickly nestling into a grueling and punctuated roll topped with mournful lead guitar as preface for the condemnation narrative of the lyrics. By the time a few more minutes have passed, they’ve gone even further in this grim and consuming plunge, and as “No Salvation” nears its midpoint, the wash of distortion recedes and the drums momentarily depart, leaving a clean line of morose ambience soon given tension through kickdrum lubdubs.

Old Horn Tooth

It’s less a build than a setup for a burst, but whatever gets you there. At 9:22 into its total 14:38, “No Salvation” blows its own top (again) and renews the roll. Vocals come and go again in the unmired-but-engrossing nod, which culminates pretty much when they decide to let it come apart, having already given the repetition its due. The title-track follows, with a similar runtime and a smooth shift from its first-minute intro to the melancholic riff that earns the record’s title. “Mourning Light” holds the emotive crux for the album, and doubles as the catchiest of the four inclusions, with room for organ in its mix but an orthodox approach that keeps to some notion of being straight-ahead in its guitar-bass-drums-vocals arrangement despite the fact that nothing on Mourning Light is under 14 minutes long. Maybe it would’ve been too much, since part of what makes “Mourning Light” so effective is how it feels tied to classic and modern doom as Old Horn Tooth mold their niche within the genre. As if to say, “Nothin’ too fancy here, folks. Just some e’eryday dudes bangin’ out lengthy slabs o’ massive riffery.” Likewise humble and flattening.

“Mourning Light” ends quiet on guitar and so the drummed start of 21-minute closer “Invisible Agony” feel duly stark in their setting out before the guitar joins. As they have all along, the band bring a sense of patience to the finale — fairly sure if they weren’t willing to take their time, this music wouldn’t exist at all; the name of the game is ‘gradual’ — but when the bass starts rumbling the threat is clear. Right as they hit the six-minute mark, long after the hypnotic effect has been achieved, the lurch takes its full-toned form, still based around the flowing progression of the drums, but given heft through a semi-drone of low end and the self-assured course led by Jones‘ guitar. The verse starts eight minutes in and becomes part of that same movement, which pushes into a depressive swirl in a bleakly semi-psychedelic conclusion. It’s someplace they haven’t gone yet, so fair enough, but as with the launch of “Precipice,” the ending of “Invisible Agony” feels applied to the entire 2LP as much as to itself. And like much of what precedes it, it is vibrant in its misery without tipping over into actual melodrama or goofy posturing, finding a balance along its own deeply immersive wavelength.

Mourning Light streams in its entirety below, followed by more from the PR wire. Please enjoy:

Last heard slinging low slung fuzzed-out doom on their 2019 album, From the Ghost Grey Depths, this July will see the official worldwide release of Mourning Light, the brand-new studio album from London-based trio, Old Horn Tooth.

For any fans of the genre that have stalked the capital in recent years, chances are London Doom Collective has supplied you with ample opportunity to sample some of the finest underground bands in a live setting. Since 2020 – Ollie, Chris Jones, Mark Davidson, and Sean Durbin – have flexed their DIY muscle as friends, promoters, and three-quarter members of Old Horn Tooth to devastating effect. Now, with the band’s new album on the horizon, they finally turn their hand toward a new endeavour, releasing music on vinyl.

“Putting out a record ourselves through London Doom Collective is our own personal statement of independence,” explains bassist, Ollie Isaac. “It’s a testament to the power of the underground and a direct connection with the scene, people and international doom community that has supported, guided and helped us grow.”

Due for release on 5th July 2024, Mourning Light can be pre-ordered via London Doom Collective here: https://oldhorntooth.bandcamp.com/

The album will also be accompanied by the release of a limited-edition tape from Norway’s Evil Noise Recordings here: https://evilnoiserecordings.bigcartel.com/

And an exclusive beer in collaboration with Black Iris Brewery here: https://blackirisbottleshop.co.uk/

Live Dates
24th August – Cambridge (w/The Grey)
25th August – Cosmic Vibration Fest, Sheffield
28th September – Riffolution Fest, Manchester
16th November – Tonehenge, Kent

Track Listing
1. Precipice (16:55)
2. No Salvation (14:38)
3. Mourning Light (14:42)
4. Invisible Agony (21:52)

Old Horn Tooth:
Chris Jones – Guitars, Vocals
Mark Davidson – Drums, Griefcase.
Ollie Isaac – Bass

Old Horn Tooth on Facebook

Old Horn Tooth on Instagram

Old Horn Tooth on Bandcamp

London Doom Collective on Facebook

London Doom Collective on Instagram

London Doom Collective on Bandcamp

Evil Noise Recordings on Facebook

Evil Noise Recordings on Instagram

Evil Noise Recordings store

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Old Horn Tooth: Mourning Light Preorder Available Ahead of July 5 Release

Posted in Whathaveyou on June 4th, 2024 by JJ Koczan

Old Horn Tooth

There’s a special category for the kind of music Old Horn Tooth play; I like to call it “very, very heavy.” The UK trio’s new album, Mourning Light, imagines Warning and Monolord come together, and the doom that ensues is of marked impact. Comprised of just four tracks, it nonetheless runs 68 minutes, and is an immersive, righteous slog of a one-song-per-side 2LP, with as much thought given to the atmospheric stretches that offset the churning weight as to that weight itself. Literally and figuratively, there’s a lot to like about it.

July 5 is the release date, and preorders are up through London Doom Collective — in which the band I guess are involved; I’m not sure if I knew that or not — and Evil Noise Recordings, whose tapes rule. You’ll find the title-track streaming at the bottom of this post, and I’m sure there’s another single coming soon, like six minutes after this is posted because that’s 100 percent how it goes sometimes. One way to find out — by posting it.

So here goes:

Old Horn Tooth Mourning Light

Old Horn Tooth | London-based Doom Trio Usher in New Album and Single

The men behind London Doom Collective summon their heaviest and most fuzzed out riffs yet on follow-up to their 2019 debut…

Last heard slinging low slung fuzzed-out doom on their 2019 album, From The Ghost Grey Depths, this July will see the official worldwide release of Mourning Light, the brand-new studio album from London-based trio, Old Horn Tooth.

For any fans of the genre that have stalked the capital in recent years, chances are London Doom Collective has supplied you with ample opportunity to sample some of the finest underground bands in a live setting. Since 2020 – Ollie, Chris Jones, Mark Davidson, and Sean Durbin – have flexed their DIY muscle as friends, promoters, and three-quarter members of Old Horn Tooth to devastating effect. Now, with the band’s new album on the horizon, they finally turn their hands toward a new endeavour, releasing music on vinyl.

“Putting out a record ourselves through London Doom Collective is our own personal statement of independence,” explains bassist, Ollie Isaac. “It’s a testament to the power of the underground and a direct connection with the scene, people and international doom community that has supported, guided and helped us grow.”

Often drawing comparisons to the likes of Conan and Monolord, Old Horn Tooth are a stirring colossus that offer up hypnotic, megaton grooves of slow heavy riffage in thrall to the cosmos.

New single and the title track for Mourning Light is a perfect case in point. Serving as an epic fifteen-minute jaunt into the sinister undertones of doom it’s the centrepiece to a startling collection of new songs. All of which navigate the complexities of grief and the resilience of the human spirit.

“This particular song explores the bittersweet memories and hidden sadness accompanying loss, while also offering glimpses of potential hope in the ‘mourning light’. Through its journey from bleak despair to the final acceptance, it encapsulates a shared sorrow and solace in vulnerability.”

Due for release on 5th July 2024, Mourning Light can be pre-ordered via London Doom Collective here: https://oldhorntooth.bandcamp.com/

The album will also be accompanied by the release of a limited-edition tape from Norway’s Evil Noise Recordings here: https://evilnoiserecordings.bigcartel.com/

And an exclusive beer in collaboration with Black Iris Brewery here: https://blackirisbottleshop.co.uk/

24th August – Cambridge (w/The Grey)
25th August – Cosmic Vibration Fest, Sheffield
28th September – Riffolution Fest, Manchester
16th November – Tonehenge, Kent

1. Precipice
2. No Salvation
3. Mourning Light
4. Invisible Agony




Old Horn Tooth, Mourning Light (2024)

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