Entombed, Fu Manchu, Pentagram and Dark Funeral Members Announce New Project

Posted in Whathaveyou on May 9th, 2024 by JJ Koczan

This band doesn’t have a name yet, but on the prospect of a thing happening involving these players, it seemed worth hitting up Minnesota Pete Campbell for more info expanding on the lineup declaration that social media’s all-seeing/all-knowing/all-exploiting algorithm saw fit to put before my ever-sleepier eyes. Not a huge leap to think that he means it when he describes it as “extremely guitar driven.” Dude, you’ve got Alx Hellid — whose name I’d swear used to have another vowel — and Bob Balch. Probably an understatement as regards the “driving.”

So yeah, don’t go thumbing through the below looking for concrete release info or anything like that. They’re making demos. But it’s fucking cool when bands happen across continental divides, and given the dudes involved here, it seems completely reasonable for me to be stoked on the sheer hypothetical alone. They’re looking for a singer. You gonna try out?

Dig the pedigree — Fredrik Isaksson was also in Grave during the ’00s; pretty rad — and imagine the possibilities:

pete campbell new project

Extremely proud to announce this!!!

Bob Balch (Fu Manchu, Big Scenic Nowhere, SLOWER) – GUITAR
Alx Hellid (Entombed, Nihilist) – GUITAR
Fredrik Isaksson (Dark Funeral, Berserker Legion) – BASS
Minnesota Pete Campbell (Pentagram, The Mighty Nimbus, Sixty Watt Shaman, Rust Bucket) – DRUMS

The riffs being thrown around are ungodly! This will be a game changer! Stay tuned

“This project came to life when I reached out to Bob Balch about some possible Pentagram stuff. Him and I have been tossing riffs back and forth and they were just to killer to not do something with! So we decided to do a little something together. I couldn’t be more excited to make music with these men! Icons and legends and the music will speak for itself!

I met Fredrick in Helsinki when both our bands played a festival together and we became instant friends. Before the night was over we already decided we were gonna jam together in something someday.

I’ve been friends and working with Alx Hellid for 20 years. Him and I have been working on The Mighty Nimbus reissue and I just asked if he’d be interested in jamming and he said Hell yeah!

We’ve been tossing riffs and demos around and it’s sounding killer! Think 70’s Heavy Metal in the vain of the Scorps, Maiden, Priest, Riot, and Thin Lizzy. Extremely guitar driven and with everyone’s influences who knows where it could go!!

We’ve got demos out to some pretty crazy good vocalists to find the perfect final piece! This will be a game changer that I promise!”

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