The Obelisk Questionnaire: Dan Lorenzo of Cassius King, Patriarchs in Black, Vessel of Light, Hades & Non-Fiction

Posted in Questionnaire on December 26th, 2022 by JJ Koczan

Dan Lorenzo cassius king hades vessel of light etc

The Obelisk Questionnaire is a series of open questions intended to give the answerer an opportunity to explore these ideas and stories from their life as deeply as they choose. Answers can be short or long, and that reveals something in itself, but the most important factor is honesty.

Based on the Proust Questionnaire, the goal over time is to show a diverse range of perspectives as those who take part bring their own points of view to answering the same questions. To see all The Obelisk Questionnaire posts, click here.

Thank you for reading and thanks to all who participate.

The Obelisk Questionnaire: Dan Lorenzo of Cassius King, Patriarchs in Black, Vessel of Light, Hades, & Non-Fiction

How do you define what you do and how did you come to do it?

I’m a salesman in the tattoo business who considers himself a mediocre musician who is also one of the most prolific riff writers in heavy music.

Describe your first musical memory.

I’d like to pretend it was hearing Kiss Rock and Roll Over and being floored, but the truth is I was born in 1963 and my first “musical” memory was watching The Partridge Family and thinking David Cassidy looked cool and that I should grow my hair.

Describe your best musical memory to date.

Pantera’s Phil Anselmo singing one of my songs ( Non-Fiction’s The My Way) to me in a hotel in Los Angeles to prove he remembered who I was.

When was a time when a firmly held belief was tested?

I love this question, but I don’t think any of my beliefs have ever been tested personally.

Where do you feel artistic progression leads?

For me it leads to retiring about two years later than I could. Even though all my bands have record deals I dump a large amount of my own money into marketing and promotion. Want a free Patriarchs In Black hoodie JJ?

How do you define success?

The ability to eat whatever food I want every day. I moved out of my home in 1983 and for about ten years meals were not guaranteed. I didn’t eat every day.

What is something you have seen that you wish you hadn’t?

A few years ago, I was in my car at a railway crossing after eating breakfast. The gates were down and I heard the train coming. I was distracted by something, and I looked down for a moment

When I looked up, I saw a 23 year old woman with a hint of a smile in front of me. She had earbuds in and was scrolling on her phone just 6-8 feet in front of me crossing the railroad tracks. Before I could yell or honk my car horn she was gone. Her death fucked me up for months.

Describe something you haven’t created yet that you’d like to create.

My 23rd album. A second with Patriarchs In Black. It’s already in the beginning process. It’s just another album, but it still keeps me energized and excited as “the next album” always should.

What do you believe is the most essential function of art?

Providing people with a strong emotional feeling.

Something non-musical that you’re looking forward to?

Summer 2023. The winters in northern New Jersey blow chunks.

Cassius King, Dread the Dawn (2022)

Patriarchs in Black, “Demon of Regret”

Vessel of Light, Last Ride (2020)

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