Yatra Confirm March Tour Dates
If you’re going to argue with Yatra getting back out on the road, I’ll just assume you’ve never had the chance to see the Maryland three-piece yet live. Fair enough. I don’t think they’ve been everywhere yet, though for a long while that seemed to be their intention. Still, if indeed you haven’t had the chance, they certainly justify the effort with their extreme-metal-informed take on sludge, or their sludge-informed take on extreme metal, depending on which LP you’re talking about.
In the Before Times, it was reasonable to think of them — as much as anyone — as a live band, and it felt like they thought that way as well. That means they’ve been stranded at this point for however long and I imagine the itch from that is maddening. I don’t know what the state of the band is, as in whether they’ll go simply to support 2020’s All is Lost (review here), to herald their next full-length, which will also be their first for Prosthetic Records, just to shake off rust, or perhaps some combination of the three, but any and all are fitting reasons for them to begin touring again.
The tour will take up most of March and conditions permitting I’d be more surprised if this was their only trip for 2022 than if they announced follow-up stints in this or that region.
They go:
Yatra – Reign of Terror
Full March Reign of Terror tour dates !! These are two combined tours..one with @horseburner and one with @officialnestband and @kamikazezombieband …all dates below….see you out there !! Cheers !!
3/4 Indianapolis, IN-Black Circle
3/5 Bloomington, IL-Nightshop
3/6 Lawrence, KS-Replay Lounge
3/8 Joplin, MO-Blackthorn
3/9 Tulsa, OK-Whittier Bar
3/10 Dallas, TX-Double Wide Bar
3/11 Austin, TX-Lost Well
3/12 Austin, TX-Independence Brewing
3/13 Houston, TX-Eighteen Ten Ojeman
3/23 Nashville, TN-Springwater
3/24 Charlotte, NC-Milestone
3/25 Richmond, VA-Another Round
3/26 Philadelphia, PA-Ortlieb’s
3/27 Brooklyn, NY-Saint Vitus
3/28 Harrisburg, PA-JB Lovedraft’s
3/29 Pittsburgh, PA-Green Beacon
3/30 Huntington, WV-The Loud
3/31 Memphis, TN-Growlers
Dana Helmuth – guitars/vocals
Maria Geisbert – bass
Sean Lafferty – drums