Frydee Blue Cheer

It’s kind of a bittersweet Frydee this week. On the one hand, The Obelisk has over 100,000 page views for the month of December so far. 106,818 by Yahoo‘s current count. And that’s amazing. Four times more than any previous month, in just 10 days. There are nearly 300 people registered for the forums, and well over 3,000 posts in the sundry message boards. To put it mildly, it has been an incredible week.

On the other hand, tonight my band Maegashira plays our last show, opening for Kings Destroy and The Brought Low at Cake Shop in Manhattan. Nearly six years in, it’s hard to think of that as being over, but there you go. We put out a killer album, a couple splits, and had some great times. I chose to end the week with Blue Cheer in tribute to listening to Outsideinside while sitting in the van and drinking beer the last year or so before rehearsal. I’ll miss that.

So yeah, bit of an emotional roller coaster. Whichever way the mood swings, thank you for checking out the forums if you’ve done that, and thanks for reading the blog proper if you’ve done that. Both are much appreciated on my end, I assure you. Next week we’ll continue the top 20 of 2010 countdown and get back on track with some On the Radar and Buried Treasure-type stuff. I’ll have a writeup of the Kings Destroy set and I’m trying to sort out an interview with Victor Griffin, so here’s hoping that can happen too.

In the meantime, enjoy “Sun Cycle,” remember the forums are up all weekend (we never close), and please, have fun and be safe. We’ll pick up right where we left off on Monday.

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One Response to “Frydee Blue Cheer”

  1. paulG says:

    It amazes me that I hadn’t heard of these guys before finding your site.

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