The Numbers: Saw You in September

What a month. The back-to-school/work-full-time/work-part-time/manage-this-site experiment left me drained beyond compare, but fuck it, I lived, and by last week, I honestly began to feel like I had the routine on lockdown. Then the internet ate The Obelisk on Friday and sent that all to hell. That’s what I get.

September’s 18,241 hits is up from August’s 17,435 a respectable amount, and as always, I thank you for reading and for coming back for more. Your opinions, comments, suggestions, complaints, etc., are always welcome here. According to the Google, there were 22,585 visits from all 50 states (two from South Dakota, but it still counts) and 108 other countries around the world. I am continually humbled.

Plenty of good stuff to come for October, so let’s get right to it:

Podcasting: I’ll have the next audiObelisk Transmission up either tonight or tomorrow, depending on how drained I am after class. Yes, I was planning on having it up last night (Sunday), but spent the portion of the evening during which I’d otherwise have been ripping CDs at the emergency room with my 95-year-old grandmother. Shin splints. Everything’s fine. Good times. Still hope you like long songs.

Maple Forum: The Kings Destroy album, And the Rest Will Surely Perish (amazing), comes back from the press the middle of this month. Seldon Hunt did an amazing job with the artwork and I can’t wait to actually hold the finished product. This might seriously be the best classic doom I’ve ever heard from a New York band. More info and audio coming soon, and the album will be out in November.

Interviews: This week I’m posting my chat with Tom G. Warrior. You don’t want to miss it. It’ll be up today or tomorrow.

Reviews: Holy shit I’m behind on reviews. Here’s the deal: I’ll keep plugging away, and I’ll do my best to get to things posted in a timely manner. If you’re waiting on one from me, you band and label/PR folks, please be patient. I’ll get there. As you may or may not be able to tell, I’ve kind of got a lot on my plate.

Facebook: To all the people who’ve sent support and encouragement via the Facebooks, thank you. It’s nice to know there are actual people behind these hits, and the feedback is much appreciated. If we’re not “friends” yet, I’m here. Please say hi. I may be kind of a dick in the flesh, but over email I try my best to be as pleasant as possible.

There’s more I’m sure, but I’m too exhausted to think of what that might be. Whatever it was, I’m sure it boils down to thanks as always for reading and commenting, for being a part of this. I know I say it all the time, but it genuinely means a lot to me. I know we’re not really changing the world here, that this is an underground site with a frankly limited appeal and demographic, but that you continue to be loyal to it and come back for more is truly touching. I bow to you.

Literally, right now. I’m bowing.

Much love,
JJ Koczan
Hopeful Platypus Taskmaster

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2 Responses to “The Numbers: Saw You in September”

  1. IRH says:

    + 1 from the Philippines. awesome page. keep’em coming..

  2. add says:

    wheres the Man’s Gin interview at!? =)

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