(More) Goblin Cock on a Wednesday

I don’t care if you think Goblin Cock are ironic hipster metal. It just doesn’t matter to me. I think they fucking rule and am not going to apologize for it.

Today I have two interviews (one down, one to go), tickets to the ball game tonight, and I found out a couple hours ago about a death in the family. No, I’m not related to Jared Koston of Venomin James. It was an aunt. You should still donate to his wife and kids if you haven’t yet.

Not things I mention looking for sympathy — you’ll notice comments are turned off for this post — but facts of life which can and will obstruct a normal day’s posting. Still, I’ll do the best I can and hope you’ll join me in rocking out, sans shame, to Goblin Cock‘s “We’ve Got a Bleeder” from 2009’s Come with Me if You Want to Live.

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