Saint Vitus European Tour Dates in Graphic Form

They say there are all kinds of ways to learn things. Some learn by audio cues — people telling them things. These are usually the people who do well in school. Some learn visually, by reading or by seeing something acted out. They also get the passing grades. Some learn in different measure of the two, and some learn by experience. This one’s for you visual learners.

Saint Vitus are headed to Europe for most of next month, so make your travel plans now. I had thought The Gates of Slumber were going to be on this tour as well, and I know from my interview with frontman Karl Simon that they were looking forward to it, so whatever the circumstances that led to their not being able to do the shows, that’s a bit of a bummer. Centurion’s Ghost are a suitable fit, though, and will no doubt be well received by both their UK and continental brethren. Here’s the flier:

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