A Quick Word on the NJ Gubernatorial Election…

My beloved Garden State.I’ll be honest: part of the reason I’m writing this at all is because it gives me an excuse to use the word “gubernatorial,” which I very much enjoy for reasons that should go without saying. Hee hee, “goober.”

And really, when it comes down to it, “goober” is what was at stake in yesterday’s New Jersey state elections. We managed to come out of it electing a governor who has said he’ll veto a gay marriage bill in some weird “Take Back NJ” campaign half based on racism (the implication being we’re taking it back because that untrustworthy black president of ours stole it from us) and half on classism (see Christie‘s plan to cut corporate and property taxes). If you’re surprised people are assholes, welcome to planet earth.

So hooray, the rich white people are finally back on top — as if they ever weren’t. Jon Corzine, by the way, is a billionaire.

The problem is he was also a shitty governor. Hence “goober.” I know dick all about the inner workings of the political spectrum, admittedly. And I think that’s a fact that puts me right in line with the majority of voters, who by my estimation, voted for the devil they don’t know over the devil they do. While the republicans are out there dancing in the streets, hailing this is as some kind of anti-Obama mandate — and don’t get me wrong, I’m hardly in favor of the democratic party either; both serve the same interests and none of them are mine — I think if you take a step back and look at it in context, the election less about political parties or governmental reform than it was about Jon Corzine being a douche.

So now we have an even bigger douche. Can’t wait for the corruption charges inevitably to follow. In the meantime, just to bring this back into the realm of The Obelisk, here’s some new Atomic Bitchwax:

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