Voivod’s Infini(te) Swansong

Posted in Reviews on June 16th, 2009 by JJ Koczan

Classic Voivod.Before even pressing play, it’s impossible not to soak in at least some of the gravity of what you’re about to hear. Infini. The last Voivod record. As in, “After this, there won’t be any more of them.” Doneski. Fini, as they might say in the band’s native Quebec –marking the ever-present metal pun.

The narrative of the album is almost as powerful as the music itself: guitarist Denis “Piggy” D’Amour stricken with The logo.colon cancer and aware of his limited time, recording riffs onto a laptop given him by bassist Jason “Jasonic” Newstead so that even after his untimely passing in August 2005, the influential band could press with new releases. 2006’s Katorz (The End Records) was the first and, now having joined forces with Relapse Records, a grand final statement is made in Infini.

If they are done (never say never in metal), then Infini is a hell of a way to go out. The album has 13 tracks of Voivod‘s trademark progressive take on thrash, punk and straight up hard rock, injected with the genuine musical intelligence that has typified them for nearly three decades. Yet, as ever, there isn’t a pretentious chord to be heard and opener “God Phones” is borderline dumb from a lyrical standpoint. Were it a band other than Voivod, I’d be sitting here going, “Really? Really?? “God Phones?” That’s how you’re starting your album?” But, you know, it’s Voivod, so I’m not doing that.

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