Traveling June 17-28

I have a couple things booked along the way, but my family and I are traveling between today, June 17, and next Friday, June 28, and I’m honestly not sure how much time I’m going to get to write. Does that mean no posts? No. But it probably means fewer, and if I have time and inclination maybe some writing about the travel itself. We’ll be in the Southwest to see Moab and Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon, National Parks, etc., so if there are pictures, at least they’ll be nice.

It’s not quite a vacation — the thing about being a stay-at-home parent is you’re never really completely off work — but we’ll be out hiking and whatnot and I wanted to let you know in case you were wondering where all the reviews went for the next 10 days. If you’re dying for ‘content,’ I urge you to dig into the recent 100-album Quarterly Review. No shortage of gems in there, and I packed it accordingly knowing this trip was on the horizon.

Also, for the first time in years I’ve been able to access the hard drive hosting The Obelisk Radio and have put more than 100 new albums on that playlist. Click here to listen.

This post is going to stay at the top of the page during the trip and I’ll archive it thereafter. New posts will appear underneath. If it’s confusing, just check the date under the headline. In any case, thanks for reading if you do/did/are. Much love and all that.


5 Responses to “Traveling June 17-28”

  1. SabbathJeff says:

    Trip sounds quick and eventful – have fun out there, man. Some gorgeous shit all over the place, all around. Presence – if I may offer – writing doesn’t have to supercede the few days of change of scenery. Will highly recommend la ventana arch in NM but not sure your time route itinerary etc. I imagine this was preplanned but a more perfect week to escape the heat of the northeast you probably couldn’t have asked for. Trust me, we’ll be here waiting to read about it and anything else when you get back – but checking daily because…addiction? Yeah, be safe, enjoy, congrats.

  2. Ea says:

    Sounds like a great trip – if you have the time hit Zion. Angels Landing and the Narrows are world-class hikes!

  3. Kingmelech says:

    Have a great trip, Thank u for for u do

  4. DJ Green says:

    If you can squeeze Scottsdale into your trip-
    Come & swim with French bulldogs!

  5. Billy says:

    If you have the opportunity check out Sedona, it’s awesome!

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