Kadavar Post New Single “I Just Want to Be a Sound”; Album Available to Preorder

The vague sense of longing hinted toward in the title, the exhaled ‘just want’ in “I Just Want to Be a Sound,” is mirrored in a kind of pop urgency in the song’s chorus. This is the first track Kadavar have put out from their upcoming album of the same name, and in addition to answering how the inclusion of Jascha Kreft on second guitar might have shifted their dynamic — the guitar reaches farther out, giving breadth to the hooky, again pop-ish, longing and the vocal melody that carries it — it’s the first clue as to what Kadavar‘s next LP might have on offer sound-wise. In its range and atmosphere, you could almost call “I Just Want to Be a Sound” psychedelic, but there’s no mistaking the outreach in its production or the underlying structure, even if the bass still brings a bit of heft to its transitions.

Kadavar have been working to build hype leading to releasing this single, and fair enough. They’re a band who thrive on taking chances, and they’re taking a big one here, as it’s almost certain some of their listenership won’t be able to follow them on this path. Knowing that as they surely do, it’s all the more admirable that Kadavar have never capitulated to it. Surely they could be out there smiling through vintage longhair fashion shoots and a thousand differently-named remakes of “Doomsday Machine” and still have an audience. I feel like not knowing what you’re getting, their willingness to ride the edge and push the limits of expectation — is “I Just Want to Be a Sound” heavy? should it want to be? why? — can make it more satisfying, and I know better than to think one single represents the entire album from which it comes, even if it is the leadoff title-track.

Links and audio and such follow. If you’ve got thoughts, I’d love to hear them in the comments. And remember, Kadavar announced that Fall 2025 tour just a couple days ago as well:

kadavar i just want to be a sound


I JUST WANT TO BE A SOUND out now & available on all platforms.

Produced by @maxrieger
Thanks to @cloudshillmusic @chris_vosshagen

Pre-save “I Just Want to Be a Sound”: https://kadavarband.lnk.to/ijustwanttobeasoundIN

Album Tracklist:
1. I Just Want To Be A Sound
2. Hysteria
3. Regeneration
4. Let Me Be A Shadow
5. Sunday Mornings
6. Scar On My Guitar
7. Strange Thoughts
8. Truth
9. Star
10. Until The End

Kadavar are:
Lupus Lindemann – Vocals & Guitar
Simon ‘Dragon’ Bouteloup – Bass
Tiger – Drums
Jascha Kreft – Guitar/Keys



Kadavar, “I Just Want to Be a Sound”

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9 Responses to “Kadavar Post New Single “I Just Want to Be a Sound”; Album Available to Preorder”

  1. Ea Gregory says:

    Kadavar’s title track “I Just Want to be a Sound” is an amazing blend of A-ha and Oasis!

  2. Mike M aka Demoffola says:

    I have to admit that when they released the sound bite of the chorus to Social media a few days ago i did think holy f*c* what have they done.

    So it wasn’t high on my list of things to hear for new releases this Friday.

    So I can admit to being pleasantly surprised when I heard the full track have played it a couple of times now and found something different to like each time. Be it Simon’s bass as JJ mentinons, Tigers understated cymbals and Lupus sounds great.

    Kadavar have done mellow before just think how many people freaked on hearing the Isolation Tapes! I think they moved from the retro sound a long time ago.

    I am seriously interested to hear what the rest of the album sounds like. I agree with JJ that not all the fans are going to embrace it but hey I don’t think they have ever released two albums from the same mould.

    Some UK dates would be nice if your reading guys.

  3. Sven S says:

    I love Kadavar, but I have to say this song is absolutely not my cup of tea. But it doesn‘t have to be. I appreciate bands who have the guts to change and move forward. I wish Kadavar all the best. Still. keeping my fingers crossed for songs that are more to liking.

  4. TheUgfromumant says:

    I’m feeling it. I too would like to be a sound.

  5. Frank says:

    disappointing, but the Isolation tapes was as well
    Time to move on

  6. ron says:

    i’m so disappointed they have gone the route of the last two steven wilson ‘s ,blues pills, and some others i used to dig.
    where’s the guitar???? oh well they can have their new radio fans.
    a shame ….

  7. Nico says:

    There’s definitely some of that indy nu-psych sound that MGMT brought to…

    *checks notes*

    …2007. Oh.

    That bouncy bass definitely reminds me of Time to Pretend.

  8. Michael says:

    While JJ is being very diplomatic, and I have liked pretty much everything they have released so far, this song is utter bollocks.

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