Off for Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving in the US. I’m taking the day to be with my family. I’ll be back probably to close out the week tomorrow. If you’re desperate for something to hear (and maybe you are; I get that; holidays are stressful):

  • Did you watch that Naxatras set that went up the other day?
  • Have you heard the new Craneium single?
  • It’s been out for a minute, but I just dug into the Erronaut album and it’s killer.
  • And of course, there’s always the most recent Quarterly Review, which had 110 releases covered. If you can’t find something in there, I don’t know what to tell you except wait a couple weeks because I’ve got another QR coming.

If you’re celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving. If not, thanks for indulging and have a great day anyhow.

3 Responses to “Off for Thanksgiving”

  1. evan says:

    that Naxatras set is xlnt
    would be nice if they had a domestic deal

  2. wombat60 says:

    Hey JJ, I just got the CD copy of “Recorded at the Goat Farm”. I would have never heard of Psychedelic Resource if it wasn’t for you. The bands you’ve turned me on to over the years are too many to count, and for that, I’m thankful. I also want to say that my wish for you on this Thanksgiving day is that you will always be as happy as you look in the photo on the back of the Goat Farm CD booklet.

    • JJ Koczan says:

      Oh man, I’m glad you got that one. I was blown away when I saw they did that with the writeup, printing the booklet like that. And then my picture on the back. I swear I saw it and cried. They’ve got something really special going there, and I was honored to have been invited and to have seen it.

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