My Sleeping Karma Announce New Drummer and Return to Stage

My Sleeping Karma are back. Last June, the band suffered the loss of drummer Steffen Weigand after a long battle with cancer, and at the time, the band made no comment about their future either way, but expressed what was very clearly a deep and personal grief. Some bands aren’t close as people; the German instrumentalists have always given the impression otherwise, and it’s telling in that regard as well that as they announce their first show with new drummer André Stein for this December in their hometown of Aschaffenburg, they specifically note that Stein is a member of tight knit “MSK-Family,” as they put it. Somehow this makes the most sense and feels like the appropriate way for them to move forward if they were going to at all. It never seemed like the kind of situation where they’d hold tryouts, is what I’m saying.

The band’s contributions to meditative heavy rock and instrumental psychedelia, their influence in those niches, aren’t to be understated. Their last release with Weigand, 2022’s Atma (review here), brought new adventures in arrangement expansion and song-building while keeping to their conceptual foundations in Buddhist philosophy and atmospheric evocations. There’s no word below of a follow-up — maybe we’ll let them do a gig first — but when and if they get there, even the possibility that they might, is a spiritual boost. The world is a better place with this band in it.

Their announcement from social media follows here:

my sleeping karma art

Dear brothers and sisters,

they say time is a healer, but some wounds never seem to heal at all.

After the tragic loss of our musical soulmate Steffen, we felt desperate and had absolutely no clue how to deal with the situation and how to go along with My Sleeping Karma as a band.

We are still so grateful for the fund raise that so many of you supported and for the enormous amount of requests to keep our music and Steffen’s spirit alive.

After long and intense discussions, we finally came to the conclusion that it is our duty to proceed with My Sleeping Karma.

To proceed for you, the people, to proceed for Steffen.

Today it is our pleasure to introduce to you our new drummer André.

He has been a member of the MSK-Family for such a long time and was our light and video engineer in the past.

André is switching positions now and we are in serious rehearsals before hitting the stage again.

Some personal words from André will follow in the next days.

Much Love,
the Karma guys

P.s. There have been rumours about a first concert at our hometown club Colos-Saal in Aschaffenburg on Dec 30th. That’s correct and tickets will be on sale soon.

Matte – Bass
Seppi – Guitar
André – Drums
Norman – Soundboard

My Sleeping Karma, Atma (2022)

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