No Man’s Valley Announce ‘Time Travel Tour 2017’
Here’s the thing about No Man’s Valley going on their Time Travel Tour: Yes, they’ll be traveling through time. We all are, forward, every day. That’s not the thing. The thing is that even as the Netherlands-based heavy psych rockers go supporting their 2016 Nasoni Records debut album, also called Time Travel (review here), they’ll be road-testing new songs as well. So they’re doing a bit of time travel that way too, at least on a conceptual level, as they look ahead to their second LP.
Presumably they’ll get to recording later this year, once the rest of the tracks are, you know, written, and though it might be 2018 before the record shows up, that’ll only make it seem more futuristic when it does. Because, damn, 2018 sure sounds like the future to my old ass.
The band sent their tour dates down the PR wire with a general update, and you can find all that below. They’ve got an open day on May 5 and I think they were looking at Berlin for it. If you happen to be in that part of the world and can help them out, frickin’ do that.
Poster and whatnots:
No Man’s Valley – Time Travel Tour 2017
No Man’s Valley is proud to announce Time Travel Tour 2017! The band’s first genuine tour outside The Netherlands will take the band through Germany, Switzerland, and Austria and will involve over 4000 kilometers of head-spun road tripping. Aside from the festivals and headliner shows No Man’s Valley is also proud to be supporting US spacerock heroes Farflung in Dresden!
NMV will mostly play songs from their well-praised 2016 debut album Time Travel, as well as some brand new scorchers from the follow-up record that is being written at the moment…we’re psyched to finally get out there and meet as many of you beautiful people as we possibly can!!!
No Man’s Valley Time Travel Tour 2017:
Sa 29-04 Kulturherberge Westfeld DE
Su 30-04 Giesser Fest Leipzig DE
Mo 01-05 Groovestation Dresden DE w/ Farflung
Tu 02-05 Schwarze Erle Basel CH
We 03-05 Epplehaus Tubungen DE
Th 04-05 Derwisch Wien AT
Fr 05-05 TBA
Sa 06-05 Baron Mainz DE
Sa 27-05 See You Again Fesval Wipperfurth DE