Mundee Fu Manchu

I’d intended to close out last week as usual with a Frydee clip. And then to do a post in the earlier part of Saturday, but then by Saturday afternoon, just decided screw it, I’d wait until today and open this week instead of close the last one. I don’t know if it makes sense, but I don’t think it matters either.

Whether or not I go to see them tonight at the Mercury Lounge (it’s up in the air right now), tomorrow I’ll have my interview with CT from Rwake online. I’d wanted it to go up last week, but I just didn’t have time. Stupid job and real life distracting me from posting. The nerve.

So that’s up tomorrow, and Sungrazer just sent back their emailer too, so I might get that up this week as well, again, if there’s time. I’ll also have a review coming in a few short hours of the Earthride gig at the Acheron in Brooklyn this past Friday night with Archon and When the Deadbolt Breaks, and some other whathaveyou.

I hope this week to review discs from Eggnogg, Groan/Vinum Sabbatum, and Hull, and I’ll have a track tomorrow from the new Isole record and one Thursday from the new Samsara Blues Experiment. I was also hoping to have a new podcast up this weekend, but, well, you can see how that went. Should be this weekend. If you’ve been waiting, I hope you’ll take comfort in the fact that, in the delay, I purchased Kingdom Come/Sir Lord Baltimore by Sir Lord Baltimore, and I definitely plan on including something from that once it arrives.

Thanks to everyone who pre-purchased a HeavyPink 7″ so far. I’ll have more on that this week as well.

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