Frydee Hermano

A track from Hermano‘s much-maligned and in my opinion underrated third album, …Into the Exam Room. Of course, John Garcia is all over the place these days because of the Kyuss Lives! semi-reunion, but this one was a request from Slevin on the forum — the only request, in fact (big Friday night as it is) — so I figured it was the least I could do. Good song either way. I think that record caught a lot of flack for not being Kyuss, but taken for what it was and under the theory that, hey, maybe it wasn’t trying to be, there were still a few good rockers on there. Letting the kids sing at the end, though: always a mistake.

I’m in Connecticut for the weekend and it’s cold as hell up here in the insulation-free cottage, but no question it’s worth it, even though I have to spend pretty much all of tomorrow and Sunday doing homework. Next Wednesday, I fly out to attend Roadburn in The Netherlands, so there’s a shit-ton of stuff I need to take care of before I do that, and working late Monday is out because of class and Tuesday because I’m trying out for a new band (fingers crossed that I don’t suck). Basically, if I wasn’t here, I’d probably be at the office, and between the two, I’ll take Connecticut anytime. Expect a Buried Treasure from Red Scroll Records in the near future.

In the meantime, though, that’s gonna do it for me. I’ll do my best to get posts up on the regular Monday/Tuesday-type thing, and if I can I’ll even get a new interview up before I fly out (that’s a definite maybe), but from Wednesday on, it’s gonna be all Roadburn around here, and I can’t wait. Last year was a blast and I know 2011’s going to be even better. If you’re going, I hope to see you there. And if not, I hope to thrill with pictures, video and probably way too much text about it so you get there before the world ends.

But there’s plenty to do before then, so stick around next week, and until Monday, I hope you have a great and safe weekend. Enjoy the Hermano if you haven’t already.

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