Two Bison B.C. Tracks for Your Streaming and Thrashabout Pleasure
Hey, it’s Friday. You want to let off a little steam at the office. All of a sudden, here comes your favorite stoner blog The Obelisk with two tracks from Bison B.C.‘s awesome Dark Ages, and next thing you know, you’ve got your little computer speakers turned up all the way, your shirt ripped open and you’re swinging your work chair around like a lion tamer to fend off security as they try to escort your wild-eyed ass out of the building. So it goes, my friends.
Dark Ages was released earlier this year on Metal Blade, and to support it, the Canuck four-piece has already toured with High on Fire, Black Cobra and Helmet, and on Sunday, they start a month-long European run with Coliseum that’s bound to be a blast. In honor of the tour and just because the record rules and needs sweet love, I’ve been authorized to stream the songs below. Dig ’em and try not to get too violent.
Bison B.C., “Stressed Elephant” from Dark Ages
Stressed Elephant
Bison B.C., “Melody, This is for You” from Dark Ages
Melody, This is For You
Want more info? Well, there’s a review here and an interview here. Have at it.
Tags: Bison B.C., British Columbia, Canada, Metal Blade, Vancouver