April Numbers and a Life Excessively Lived

April was pure American hedonism. It was what my life would be like all the time if I was endowed with the kind of immortal wealth our culture seems to promise to everyone and only transfer from old white men to other old white men. I traveled, I spent ridiculous amounts of money, I had great times, saw great shows, and genuinely felt the music I love as an extension of my person. That doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s fucking magical when it does.

As you can see from the number above (the big 22,035, in case you missed it), that’s even more than March’s numbers were. This is thanks to Roadburn. When my posts about the festival and the shenanigans being stuck in Europe and the UK for as long as I was got posted over on Roadburn‘s site, I got 1,290 hits in a single day, and that’s the most ever. Thanks to them for that. It was an amazing experience and if you’ve never been to Tilburg, well, go.

San Francisco early in the month and Michigan this past weekend were killer as well, though the latter has left my travel-weary immune system with a vicious cough/sore throat combo that’s more or less got me on my ass. Won’t affect the site any, so it’s not really a concern, but it has kept me (and The Patient Mrs.) up nights, so there’s that. Still, no regrets.

Here are a couple quick notes for the next month:

T-Shirts: The design is done and it rules. I’m going to the printer Thursday. Hopefully in the next week or two you’ll be able to buy them. It’s not gonna be anything fancy, just a Paypal link, but it should get the job done. And since I know the plight of the larger dude, plus sizes will be available.

audiObelisk: The April podcast was a huge success and has renewed my faith in the endeavor of podcasting. The next one should be coming this weekend. If that’s not the case, I’ll let you know.

The Maple Forum: Roareth hit the studio this weekend with Tad Doyle to record Acts I-VI and the rough mixes I’ve heard are pretty damn heavy. Looking forward to getting the discs manufactured and posting the finished product. Like the t-shirt, you’ll be able to buy it here and directly from the band.

Contests: Anyone interested in winning free shit? I’ve been kicking around the idea for a while. It would require me hitting up labels and/or bands for free shit to give away, but if you think you’d be into the idea of contests (would probably be a trivia question or something like that), let me know and I’ll see what I can put together.

I think beyond that, we’re back to business as usual for May. Later today I hope to post the Primordial interview, so look out for that, and still on the docket are Phil Anselmo and Barren Earth, and I’m hoping to confirm plenty more in the next couple weeks once I’m caught up, so keep an eye out.

You know, the one thing from the Pentagram interview that’s really stuck with me (aside from all the hilarious parts) was when Bobby Liebling talked about knowing why he’s blessed. For anyone who missed it, he’s blessed because he’s alive and has a hot wife less than half his age. But it made me think about my own situation and I’ve come to realize that, at this moment, things are fucking great.

What I know about the good times is they don’t last (and according to Orange Goblin, the bad times can get you high), but with life, work and school, this site, The Patient Mrs., everything seems to be heading in the right direction and I couldn’t feel better about it if I tried. No, I really couldn’t. It’s a cap and trade system.

The point I’m making — as usual — is thanks. I’ll stop rambling now and get back to work.

Cheers from the valley,
JJ Koczan
Hoodie Phobia Taskmaster

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2 Responses to “April Numbers and a Life Excessively Lived”

  1. Mike says:

    Congratulations. As a reader I could feel the momentum the site was gaining this month.

    I’d be into the whole contest thing. I think it’s a good idea.

  2. Boon says:

    Thanks to you, Great blog !

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