Frydee Pentagram Too

If you’re wondering why I would repeat Pentagram as my Frydee pick — aside from the obviousness of their kicking ass — it’s because I just got off the phone after more than an hour of interview with legendary frontman Bobby Liebling, which I’m pretty sure makes me the coolest motherfucker on the planet. Wait, no. Yeah. Yeah, that’s me.

Look out for that interview to be posted next week, and dig the clip of “South of the Swamp,” which is a new song.

Thanks to everyone for checking in this week and leaving comments once they were fixed. A note to anyone who’s been trying to contact me using the nifty form on the contact page: I know it’s broken and I’m sorry. I’ll get to work on it as soon as I can, but if you need to drop me a line, my email address is jj (atsign) theobelisk (dot) net. Easy enough to remember anyway.

If you’re in North Jersey, Moth Eater are playing Dingbatz in Clifton, and that’s where I’ll be tonight. If not, I hope there are good times wherever you are. Enjoy the weekend.

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