Keeping up with Darryl

Boston-based guitarist Darryl Shepard was kind enough to email in the latest projects he’s working on following the breakup of instrumental Small Stone Records outfit Hackman, whose second and apparently final (though one never knows in music) album, Enterprises, was an underrated gem in 2008. Here’s what he’s got going:

First up is Blackwolfgoat (do I know how ridiculous that sounds? Yes, I do.), which is just myself on electric guitar, creating and layering loops. I’ve played one show so far opening for Cortez and plan on doing some more shows and hopefully some recording. Closest comparisons I can think of for Blackwolfgoat would be Earth or Darsombra.

Also, I’m going to be doing a project with Charlie Harrold from 5ive (drums) called Fighter Captured. This is going to be guitar and drums and 100 percent improvisational. We have two days booked at New Alliance Studios in Boston at the end of February for recording. We’ve discussed what we’re going to shoot for but there will be no rehearsals at all before recording, so needless to say we’re very curious as to what this will sound like. There may be a show or two later, we’ll see.

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One Response to “Keeping up with Darryl”

  1. Cortez says:

    The blackwolfgoat set was awesome. Darryl is an awesome dude, do yourself a favor and check his stuff (Roadsaw, Milligram, Hackman, etc,) out.

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