TFFH09 #5: Goblin Cock, Come with Me if You Want to Live

Don't know where or when this shot was taken, but it pretty much sums up the live show.It got mixed reviews and, like its predecessor, flew under the radar of most heads, but Goblin Cock‘s Come with Me if You Want to Live — released in February — has some of the coolest songs I’ve heard in the last six months. What’s best about it is there is no filler. Goblin Cock packs eight minutes’ worth of doom into a three minute song Rob says hi.and makes it catchy to boot. Plus, there’s practically nothing serious about it, but it’s not irono-douchebaggery either. The album hits just the right balance of humor and killer riffs.

The hooded and masked project of Pinback/The Ladies/Optiganally Yours (and solo) singer/guitarist Rob Crow, Goblin Cock strikes a rarely achieved balance of dooming out and having fun that appeals, admittedly, to the skinny-pantsed, thick-rimmed post-grad set (Crow‘s pedigree is also a factor), but quality songwriting and a lack of chic posturing makes Come with Me if You Want to Live more than just forgettable hipster metal pablum. As I said in my live review of their show in NYC a while back, the thing about hipster metal is that people make money playing it. One listen and you know there’s no way Goblin Cock are bringing in the cash.

If you haven’t yet, give the record a shot. For your ease in doing so, here’s “Ode to Billy Jack,” one of my favorites from Come with Me if You Want to Live.

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