Hey Colorado, This One’s for You

Although I don’t generally talk about them explicitly in this space, I hold some pretty strong political beliefs, and here in the US, last night we reelected a president who — despite being a war criminal — also has his upsides (it’s okay though, because they’re all war criminals and that makes it better right?). That’s all well and good, but more importantly, the state of Colorado — which I’m going to have to stop thinking of as being square — legalized marijuana. Not decrim, not medical. Like go-getcha-some “legalize it”-brand recreational use legalized. Pretty impressive.

But what I haven’t yet heard anyone talk about is the grassroots work done over the years to pave the way for this legislation by the cultural force known as Bongzilla. True, they made their home initially in Madison, Wisconsin, but surely their tireless efforts to raise weedian awareness throughout the middle states during their years together deserves some measure of credit for making this possible. Thank you, Bongzilla. Your legacy is not forgotten.

Though the memory of it is a little hazy.


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6 Responses to “Hey Colorado, This One’s for You”

  1. Bill Goodman says:

    “Warpigs” that’s what I think of when I think of politicians. Black Sabbath’s song still holds true to tday.

  2. SabbathJeff says:

    How is my fucking state of NY behind the times on Colorado? That is all kinds of messed up.

    Due credit to Bongzilla, absolutely.

  3. Russell Carlsen says:

    Yes. Bongzilla deserves a place in the history books.

  4. Austin says:

    Colorado ain’t no joke, its pretty awesome up here. On topic, I can say after hearing the results, I loaded a bowl and blasted Gateway till I fell asleep.

  5. goAt says:


  6. Congrats to Washington & Colorado… a big toke for y’all! Hail The Leaf! ;)

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