And in Other News, the Art for the New Infernal Overdrive Record Rules

If you’re reading this in other parts of the world, some of the references might be lost on you. You maybe didn’t grow up listening to tales of the Jersey Devil that stalks the Pine Barrens in the southern part of the state. You probably never rode your way down the winding hellmouth that is the Garden State Parkway (or the Turnpike, for that matter, which is guaranteed death by boredom if nothing else kills you first). In the true tradition of South Park‘s episode where New Jersey takes over the country, the Alexander Von Wieding cover for Infernal Overdrive‘s debut full-length is “a Jersey thing.”

The band, on the other hand, rock universal. Definitely have this record on my list of anticipated 2012 releases, but here’s a glimpse at the cover in the meantime:

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