Well, Now There’s an Obelisk Page on the Facebooks

Click here or on the Facebook logo to go to The Obelisk‘s new page over there. I’m hoping that posts that appear here will be able to show up on the Facebook page, but who knows if that’s actually going to work. Honestly, I’m way out of my league in dealing with this technology. I can’t even handle real-life socializing, let alone internet-type interaction, but I’ll do my best and we’ll all see how it works out.

I still also have the MySpace page, but I don’t really check that either, so now I’ll have two social networking sites to ignore. Maybe if I can get up the gumption I’ll start a Twitter page and complete the unholy trinity.


3 Responses to “Well, Now There’s an Obelisk Page on the Facebooks”

  1. UKGuy says:

    I’ve stumbled onto a NetworkedBlogs thing on Facebook (can’t really remember how – I’m a bit stoopid in this regard). Means bloggers can keep their audience up to date without additional effort. Worth looking into???? Cheers.

  2. paul says:


  3. blehhh says:

    yes, get Twitter. Not getting that when you have MySpace and Facebook is like having Neapolitan ice cream without the strawberry. Waste your time, do it!

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