Sheavy and the Republic of “Meh”

Sheavy is one of those bands who I never really listen to, but whose records I inevitably pick up when I find them used. It’s like we keep bumping into each other, Sheavy and I, and we have a little bit of awkward conversation — “Oh hey, didn’t see you there, guess I’ll buy you because you’re stoner rock and I’m the stoner rock guy…” — and then they sit on my shelf and gather dust. Blah.

Egh.Nothing against them, I’m just not that into it, and to be fair, I don’t have Blue Sky Mind, which as I understand it is their best work. But, already owning Synchronized and The Electric Sleep, I picked up 2005’s Republic? for five bucks a couple weeks back at Vintage Vinyl here in Jersey, thinking the worst that could happen would be the record sucked and I wouldn’t listen to it again.

Well, I’ve listened to it once — not even the whole way through — and that’s it. I don’t know why, since I get off on all kinds of generic stoner stuff, but Sheavy doesn’t do it for me. Vocalist Steve Hennessey‘s Ozzy impression is spot on, the riffs are cool and there’s nothing wrong with the sound of the band, but I have a hard time convincing myself I care. Republic? is no different.

Am I way off on this one? Is there something I’m missing? Maybe when they drop their new album, The Golden Age of Daredevils, this fall, I’ll give it another shot. Or maybe I’ll just wait a year or two, find it used, and be underwhelmed. One never knows how these things will work out.

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2 Responses to “Sheavy and the Republic of “Meh””

  1. sunnofabcrich says:

    favorite songs, What’s up Mr. Zero, next exit to vertigo, phone booth in the middle of nowhere and kill queens gone disco.

  2. Gorgorotha says:

    We See this band last week, and it’s Not the same without Mr. Moores playing and sound. It’s still a good band but the two new guitar guys just don’t mix welll together… they should stop playing the old (Moore/sheavy) tunes and just do new stuff that the new lineup can do and change the name. The new version of “Dallas Tarr” was void of any groove… All my friends including me think that sheavy has transformed into a less groove more metal outfit .. which some like and most true sheavy fans don’t. we wanna dance not head bang!

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